EGI Applications Database Marios Chatziangelou, et al. Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) 24/09/14 1
AppDB: General features (1) dissemination of information custom RSS/Atom news feeds news e-mail subscription lists user focused communication (messaging, requests, etc) special dissemination tool for sending ad-hoc messages to scientists 'follow' button for receiving all the activity related to a registered item dissemination features customizable through user preferences sharing content with social networks software distribution repository for binary artifacts (lightweight release management process) vAppliance management and distribution mechanisms information retrieval advanced searching mechanism (rated search results) 'faceted search' mechanism for refinements quality of information content tagging, ratting, commenting per registered item contact expertise information problem and comment abuse report centrally managed quality control taxonomy technical classification scientific classification tagging
AppDB: General features (2) AuthN/AuthZ and security advanced AuthN/AuthZ mechanisms (simpleSAML) integrated with eduGAIN support for both EGI SSO and x509 accounts internally managed AuthZ, based on allowed actions, roles and permissions everything is under https communication relations… … between all the entities listed below, are possible: software vAppliances persons virtual organizations sites (as acquired from the GOCDB) Organizations (as acquired from the OpenAIRE) projects (as acquired from the OpenAIRE) integration with AppDB RESTfull API, supports operations following a CRUD convention. flexible API stateless authentication mechanism using Personal Access Tokens API documentation in good shape or even, by adapting the read-only AppDB Gadget (easy – copy & paste, one line of code – no technical skills required) AppDB already integrated with EGI services GOCDB for the list of sites and their end-points Top-BDII fetching sites dynamic information Perun and Operations Portal for VO related details + Authorization attributes
AppDB: Latest developments (1) Multi-content support Software Marketplace (apps, tools, m/w products, science GWs and WFs ) Cloud Marketplace (apps devel/servers/stacks, big data, infra, etc..) People/Researchers registry (coord, sw eng, net eng, sysadmins etc..)
AppDB: Latest developments (2) Sites & Resource Providers listing (acquired from GOCDB) same features, in terms of searching, usability, quality of information etc, applies to this entity as well.
AppDB: Latest developments (3) Sites & Resource Providers details view (correlated information from GOCDB & top-BDII) Contact information Sitename Description URIs to GOCDB for more details List of offered vAppliances and VMIs Usage details per offered VMIs Site endpoint Template ID OCCI ID
AppDB: Latest developments (4) Projects and Organizations – acquired from the openAIRE Next release (end of Sept) Integration with openAIRE (through the OAI- PMH protocol-interface) Separate AppDB sub-service for managing the high volume of metadata periodically fetched from openAIRE Over 33k Projects and over 27.5k Organizations Many types of relations can be made, between the registered software, vAppliance, person and the fetched projects and/or organizations
AppDB: how it should be extended (1) Create a new content type, for the services, within the AppDB, offering the same high-level functionality as of the rest of the supported entities (list & details views, searching capabilities, tagging, rating, etc. ) Integrate with the Billing system, the e-GRANT and the Accounting system, evolve the integration with GOCDB Introduce new conceptual roles/actors within the AppDB, i.e. ‘Service Provider’ and ‘Service Customer’ The Service Provider should be able to:: register a new service manage a services - Show/Hide a service - Change the associated conditions - Announce a maintenance break etc…. assign a price to the new service (can be 0, for free) define a policy to access the service
AppDB: how it should be extended (2) The (potential) service customer, should be able to: Get the list of offered services Perform search refinements based on specific criteria/characteristics/requirements Access service specific details such as: description, SLA, price, etc Ability to make a contact with a service representative or support team. Introduce a personalized area, say ‘My services’, for the services that are either of his/her interest or have been already ordered. ‘My services’ will be divided in at least two logical sections: - ‘Purchased/Ordered services’, offering functionality: - renew order - monitoring a service in terms of consumption/usage - manage the service - review and rate a service and/or the service provider - check the status of an order - ‘Services of interest’, offering functionality: - buy the service - negotiate the SLA through a broker or accept the pre-defined SLA - establish a communication link with the broker in order to find the best service solution for the customer based on his needs/requirements
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