Developing Holistic, evidence-based food plates for patients in Cardiac Rehabilitation at Auckland District Health Board Cathy Gasparini, Wendy Marshall, Susan Reed, Yvonne Johansen, Jocelyne Benatar Results A food plate that incorporates comprehensive advice about healthy behaviors regarding eating patterns and exercise has been developed. It focuses on positive messages using the ‘nudge’ technique to encourage healthy heart behaviors. The Hector Trust has awarded funding to allow the plate to be manufactured and distributed for free to all CR patients. Background Dietary patterns, rather than individual nutrients are increasingly recognized as important to reduce cardiovascular disorders. 1-3 Adherence to healthy diet patterns is generally low 4 and this is exacerbated by a plethora of confusing advice patients are exposed to.5 Methods The Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) team at the Auckland District Health Board undertook a review of all the evidence regarding dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease. The model food plate was developed and through a reiterative process was modified after consultation with a wide range of groups including health psychologists, clinicians and patients. Conclusion: An evidenced based holistic food plate relevant to the New Zealand population has been developed. All patients attending CR will be given this melamine plate to better inform them of healthy eating and exercise patterns and behaviors. A randomized study is planned to assess effects of a food plate on markers of nutritional intake. References Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvado J, et al. Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet. The New England journal of medicine 2013; (14): 1279-90. Kris-Etherton P, Eckel RH, Howard BV, et al. Lyon Diet Heart Study: Benefits of a Mediterranean-Style, National Cholesterol Education Program/American Heart Association Step I Dietary Pattern on Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation 2001; 103(13): 1823-5. Stewart RA, Wallentin L, Benatar J, et al. Dietary patterns and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in a global study of high-risk patients with stable coronary heart disease. European heart journal 2016. Ministry of Health NZ. 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey data tables. 12 December 2012 2012. (accessed 16 March 2013 2013) Spiteri Cornish L, Moraes C. The Impact of Consumer Confusion on Nutrition Literacy and Subsequent Dietary Behavior. Psychology & Marketing 2015; 32(5): 558-74