Building Our Plan Creating our Regional Action Plan Northern Windsor and Orange Building Bright Futures
Review: Regional Councils With consistent infrastructure across 12 regions, Regional Councils: Act as a neutral, non-partisan conveners and connectors that contribute to the equity and unity of a statewide early childhood system Serve as a conduit to the State Council around community need Ensure meaningful opportunities for community involvement in regional planning, service coordination, and accountability,
Review: Regional Councils (cont.) Provide the mechanism for tracking regional data and assessing progress toward regional goals through robust Regional Action Plans, aligned with the Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan. Identify and respond to policies and practices that affect the achievement of outcomes supporting children and families Facilitate communication, coordination, and integration on a regional level to maximize early childhood resources
Key To Success This charge requires: (1) a balanced, diverse, & stable Regional Council membership, which (2) meets regularly to share information, make decisions, and plan, and requires (3) leadership by representatives of (4) regional agencies, programs, community organizations, and committed citizens.
Regional Council Scope of Work 5 Priorities
Priority 1: Systems Change Lead a regional, diverse and cross- sector collaborative change process aligned with Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan. Key Activity: Develop a regional action plan aligned with Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan and BBF’s State Action plan to guide our Regional Council’s work. (Deadline December 31, 2015)
Priority 2: Collective Impact Strengthen our ability to collaborate with other entities to leverage regional and high quality programming impact. Key Activity: Facilitate the connection of programs, services, and resources related to young children and families in our region and support alignment with Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan. (Deadline: Ongoing)
Priority 3: Communications, Public Education, Outreach, and Engagement Champion the Objectives of the Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan. Key Activity: Promote the work of the Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan in collaboration with the designated lead agencies. Share information using a variety of communication channels. (Deadline: Ongoing)
Priority 4: Family Engagement Enhance systems and activities to authentically support parents, families, and other caregivers. Key Strategy: Identify and support regional strategies to support parents and other caregivers in their roles aligned with the Vermont Early Childhood Action Plan. (Deadline: Ongoing)
Priority 5: Regional Council Operations Develop and formalize Regional Council meetings, policies, and procedures. Key Strategy: Create documents & support sustainable strategies. (Deadline: COMPLETED) Oversee and administer Regional Council Operations. Key Strategy: Manage Grants, contracts, data collection and reporting. (Deadline: Ongoing)
Priority 1: Regional Strategic Action Plan The Pieces
Part 1: Preface A brief history of Building Bright Futures (BBF) in your region and the Regional Action Planning process. BBF Central Office will supply language as to why Theory of Change (ToC) and Results Based Accountability (RBA) was chosen to drive the planning process, and the linkages to Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan.
Part 2: Introduction Provide a brief overview of why undertaking this Regional Action Planning process was important to your region. Please include who was involved in developing this plan (e.g. your Regional Council membership list, and/or planning committee,) and the process you used to develop the plan (e.g. guiding principles, other groups involved, etc.).
Part 3: Community Characteristics Please describe your regional community through the lens of data. Narrate your community data to help lay the ground work for why your Regional Action Plan focuses on the priorities directed by your Regional Council and your action planning process. BBF will supply common demographics for all regions through Vermont Insights such as number of young children 0-8, poverty rates, household type, % of free and reduced lunch, etc., to help paint a picture of your region. Vermont Insights can work with us to ensure that data is accurate.
Part 4: Develop a Consensus Regional Outcomes Framework The Outcomes Framework (Theory of Change) illustrates the top level outcomes that the regions agreed are necessary to achieve the results for children from 0-8 years of age.
Example: Outcome Framework
Part 4 (cont.): Describe Outcome Indicators
Part 4 (cont.): Story Behind the Baseline Please provide a narrative that explains the data used to establish your baseline and why it is important to focus on this particular result. Please provide a list of projects, activities and/or evidence-based practices on what is working well within your region and how this can be leveraged to support the well-being of young children and families.
Part 5: Develop an Action Plan
Part 6: Resource Inventory/Asset Mapping Please document the assets and resources necessary to realize your results.
Part 6 (cont.): Example
Part 7: Next Steps Outline next steps and identify options for interested members in your community to participate in the plan and action items.