Quiz on U. S. Land Ordinance of 1785 + General items on map + GPS vs Quiz on U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 + General items on map + GPS vs. GIS Quiz on block day Pgs. 10 and 11 To General stuff on hand out add meridan and Prime Meridan, International Date Line, equator (parallel) North/south (meridian) East/West (base line)
Happy September Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Whip around-introduce yourselves to one another Round 2 Tell the group about something interesting you experienced this weekend Round 3 Whip around-Compare/contrast your vocabulary and discuss K.I. #1 Questions?????
Have a page titled “Journal/Warm-ups” You may put more than one entry on each page What are the goals of psychology?
Influence…………Behavior Goals of psychology Describe Explain Predict Influence…………Behavior
What does location and distribution refer to?
Spatial Geography Where is it? Why there? Why are the distributions as such?
Globalization and local diversity People are being pulled in opposite directions. Modern communications and technology have fostered globalization, pulling people into greater cultural and economic interaction. At the same time, people are searching for more ways to express their unique cultural traditions and economic practices. Tensions between these simultaneous geographic trends underlie many of the world’s problems.
Look at page #3 in your book What do you see? What do you know about what happened here?
What are some implications? Look at figure 1-1 on page 5 What do you notice? What are some implications?
Place and Region Place Region A specific point on Earth distinguished by a particular characteristic Every place occupies a unique location, or position, on Earth’s surface. Region An area of Earth distinguished by a distinctive combination of cultural and physical features.
Scale and space Scale Space The relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole. Individual to the entire Earth Global-scale patterns and processes Space The physical gap or interval between two objects Many objects are distributed across space in a regular manner, for discernable reasons
Earth at Night - Global Scale
North America at Night - Regional Scale Online: 6/27/2006 - http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/49261main_usa_nightm.jpe
Your State at Night - Local Scale Online: 6/27/2006 -http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/usanight_dmsp_big.gif
Larger Scale Level 4 Analysis - 3)Why? 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?
Smaller Scale Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?
Which scale is larger scale, why? 1:10,000 1:10,000,000
Relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space Connections Connections Relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space Why/how connections occur
Page 6 and 7 Notice the world map on page 6 and 7 AP Human geography expects that you are very familiar with the world map and doesn’t spend a lot of time teaching it to you. How will you meet this expectation?
Projection Sphere or globe flattened 3-dimentional to 2-dimentional Shape can be distorted Distance between two points may become increased or decreased Relative size of different areas may be altered, so that one area may appear larger than another but is relativel
What are the differences between GPS, GIS, and remote sensing?
GPS GIS Global Positioning System A system that accurately determines the precise position of something on earth GIS Geographic Information System Involves storing information about a location in layers. Each layer represents a different piece of human or environmental information
Remote Sensing The acquisition of data about Earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting Earth or from other long-distance methods