Election of 1860.


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Presentation transcript:

Election of 1860

Election 1860 Election 1992

Causes of the Civil War: Economic and social differences between the North and the South. States versus federal rights. Slave vs. Non-Slave State Proponents. Growth of the Abolition Movement. Election of 1860

John Brown Harpers Ferry 1859 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWa-4X4qg50

Civil War 1861- 1865 Advantages & Disadvantages A. South http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYgXrUSjIs&feature=related 1. Advantages a. Experienced military talent b. Defensive war c. Long indented coastline / hard to blockade

2. Disadvantages a. Population- 5 ½ million free whites b. Weak central government c. No industry

B. North 1. Advantages a. Population 22 million b. Industry (85%), railroads (70%), supplies (65% farmland) c. Strong navy d. Strong central government 2. Disadvantages a. Offensive war b. Lack of Military talent

II. Key Battles & Campaigns (1st yrs 1861-1862) A. Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861 1. Supplied fort 2. Lincoln’s use of executive power unprecedented a. Called 75,000 volunteers b. Authorized spending for war c. Suspended habeas corpus

B. Union Strategy 1. General Winfield Scott’s 2. Three part Plan a. Blockade Southern Ports (Anaconda) b. Take Mississippi & divide confederacy in two c. Army of 500,000 to take Richmond

C. Manassas I / First Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 1. First major battle 2. Union troops disordered 3. Confederate victory

D. Peninsula Campaign, March- July 1862 1. General George B. McClellan – commander eastern forces 2. Key Battles: Hampton Roads Hanover Courthouse Garnetts & Goldings Farm York Town Seven Pines Savage’s Station Williamsburg Oak Grove White Oak Swamp Eltham’s Landing Beaver Dam Creek Glendale Drewry’s Bluff Gaine’s Mills Malvern Hill

Peninsula Campaign (clip) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wTek4DFiuo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBVR3VziJjQ

3. McClellan removed & replaced by General John Pope

McClellan Pope

E. Manassas II / Bull Run II, August 28-30, 1862 1. Gen. John Pope (USA) vs. Gen. Robert E. Lee & Thomas J. Jackson (CSA) 2. Lee took advantage in change of leadership a. Drew Pope into trap / retreats to Washington b. CSA victory c. McClellan restored

a. Crossed Potomac into enemy territory F. Antietam , September 16-18, 1862 1. Lee’s Strategy a. Crossed Potomac into enemy territory b. Diplomatic goal = British recognition & support Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjIbFTrqwU8

2. Cigars provide battle plans a. Plans dropped b. Union Army c. McClellan intercepted CSA at Antietam Creek / Sharpsburg

3. Impact & Aftermath a. Single bloodiest day- 23,000 b. Strategic Union Victory c. McClellan failed pursue Lee d. Emancipation Proclamation

Burnside Lee

G. Federicksburg, December 11-15, 1862 1. General Ambrose Burnside (USA) vs. Gen Lee (CSA) 2. Burnside attacked Lee 3. Outcome a. CSA victory 1. Union 12,000 2. CSA 5,000 b. Magnitude of war clear (2nd year of war disastrous for North)

H. Grant A. Victories in West 1. Fort Henry, February 6, 1862 (Cumberland River / Branch of Miss. R) 2. Fort Donelson February 11-16, 1862 B. Stunning victories 1. 14,000 Confederates captured 2. Opened Mississippi to Union attack 3. Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862 4. April 1862- Control Mississippi to New Orleans

III. Union Triumphs, 1863 –1865 A. Vicksburg, May 18- July 4, 1863 1. Key to complete control of Mississippi 2. Siege – 7 weeks 3. Union Victory


B. Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 1. Lee’s objective a. wanted to force peace on North b. Gain foreign aid 2.Crucial battle a. Over 50,000 casualties b. Confederate army destroyed c. Lee retreated

C. Lincoln Changes Command 1. Early 1864- Grant 2. Grant’s strategy a. Realized South’s resources dwindling b. Fought for months with heavy Union casualties 1. Wilderness, May 5-7 (inconclusive) 2. Spotsylvania Ct. House , May 8- 21 (inconclusive) 3. Cold Harbor, May 31- June 12 (CSA)

D. Sherman’s March to the Sea 1. Atlanta to Savanna 2. Path destruction 60 miles wide 3. Total war 4. Demoralized South http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46tDrVMlGpY

Gone With the Wind – Burning of Atlanta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnEZrV_WT44 Aftermath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-lBqG3bOTE&feature=channel

E. Appomattox Court House 1. April 9, 1865 2. Lee surrenders to Grant 3. Malice toward none http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be527tVC214