2014/15 SAPS Annual Performance Analysis 13 October 2015
Introduction 2014/15 FY It is important that the hearings on the Annual Report ensure the following: That the SAPS provides high quality services, economical in nature, efficiently and effectively; Services are rendered are in line with the SAPS’ constitutional mandate, strategic plans and budgets; That services contribute meaningfully to the realization of government’s overall objectives; and That the Portfolio Committee assesses how the Department might improve on its performance.
Overview 2014/15 72.4% successful achievement Performance during 2014/15 FY R72.5 billion main appropriation which remained unchanged during the adjustments Spent R72.5 billion of total budget (100%) with a insignificant variance of R18 thousand. Difference in SAPS presentation and AR ito 100% expenditure 2014/15 97 Targets 72 achieved 25 Not achieved 2 targets deferred 72.4% successful achievement
Financial Performance: 2014/15 FY Revenue and liabilities during 2014/15 FY The Departmental revenue received increased slightly from R386m in 2013/14 to R389m in 2014/15. Sale of goods and services increased with R42,5m to R212m; Decrease in Fines, penalties and forfeits from R50,5m to R18.9m; Sales of Capital Assets increased with R10.9m from R3,7m in 2013/14 to R15,5m A worrying trend is the continuous increase in the contingent liabilities of the Department. R26,958 billion in 2014/15 compared to R20,580 billion in 2013/14 Of the total R26,918 billion (99.8%) was set aside for Claims against the Department Actual liabilities incurred in 2014/15 on Claims against the Department was R9,534 billion of which R251,192 million was paid out. Of which: Police Action: R174, 4 million; Shooting incidents: R44,3 million; and Vehicle Accidents: R19 million. The total expenses incurred by the SAPS on legal services increased from R291 million in 2013/14 to R340 million in 2014/15.
Financial Performance: 2014/15 FY Irregular and wasteful expenditure The Department managed to significantly reduce its irregular expenditure over the last couple of years R87 thousand irregular expenditure in 2014/15 However, SAPS declared additional irregular expenditure of R279.9 million and restated it for 2013/14, relating to the Firearms Control System contract Awaiting condonation In 2013/14, two investigations were undertaken, one of which was the FCS and the other was the Tetra EC contract, the latter was deemed not irregular by the AG. Fruitless and wasteful expenditure: Decreased from R353 thousand in 2013/14 to R141 thousand in 2014/15. Mostly due to license fees and accommodation
Strategic Overview Government Priorities to implement the NDP MTSF Targets 2014-2019 Government Priorities to implement the NDP 16 performance indicators, of which: 1 indicator deferred Safety Audits: CSP & Customer Satisfaction Surveys: GCIS Tool 1 Target not available SAPS does not report on Contact crime, which is targeted in the MTSF (together with serious crimes) 4 Targets achieved Operational CPFs Trainees declared competent Implementation of IPID recommendations Medium to high risk incidents stabilized 2 Targets not achieved (targets differ in MTSF and SAPS AR) Detection rate for serious crime Percentage of trial ready case dockets for serious crimes 7 Targets not reported Operational CSFs Interviews with complainants by IO within 24h Computer generated investigation progress reports National Cyber Crime Centre concept approved Capacitation of POPs Baseline for detection rate and trial ready case dockets for criminal and violent conduct in public protests 3 Impact Indicators not achieved Number of contact crimes Number of crimes against vulnerable groups Unlawful possession of and dealing in drugs
Programme 1: Administration Performance 2014/15 100% expenditure R15.3 billion Total targets: 39 Achieved: 27 69% Targets successfully achieved Achieved 69% of its predetermined targets (27 out of 39). Poor performing: Building environment IJS/CJS/TMS Environment Targets not achieved (concern): Target to finalise 90% of service terminations within 60 working days – achieved 39.1%, which is a negative variation of 50.9% Average time of 3 months to fill vacancies (took 4.8 months on average) Planned to reduce new incidents leading to civil claims against the Department by 3.4%, instead increased by 21%
Programme 1: Administration (cont.) Capital Works and Capacity - 2014/15 FY Capital works projects Victim Friendly Facilities: 65/93 (69%) Upgrading of services: 9/40 (22.5%) Generators: 15 out of 24 provided (32.5%) Building environment 21/65 (32.3%) Execution: 0/6 Planning and design: 12/35 (34.2%) Site clearance: 9/24 (37.5%) Information Systems/Information Communication technology (IS/ICT) Key area of concern – spending against delivery IJS: 3 out of 12 targets achieved CJS: 7 out of 21 targets achieved SAPS TMS: 1 out of 4 targets achieved A total of R1.14 billion was spent on at the end of 2014/15 (100%) Quarterly monitoring targets seemingly differ Budget not ring-fenced in Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Vote, not in the SAPS Vote (Appropriations Act)
Programme 1: Administration (cont.) Human Resource Management during 2014/15 FY R54.3 billion of R72.5 billion spent on compensation of employees, of which: Salaries: R34 billion (64.4%) Overtime: R678 million (1.2%), of which PSS comprised R165 million (8.6%) Home Owners Allowances: R1.7 billion (3.3%) Medical Assistance: R6.2 billion (11.2%) Year end establishment: 198 010 Vacancy rate: 2.2% 5 610 left the Service, of which majority was resignations (3 477) Section 35 Termination:1 Lt General Regulation 45 Appointments: 10 Lt General x 2 Maj General x 4 Lieutenant x 1 Warrant Officer x 1 Sergeant x 2 Various foreign deployments 68 Members to AU/UN Peacekeeping Missions to Darfur, Sudan, South Sudan and Somalia 170 Members to Lesotho as part of SADC Troika Intervention 85 Members in SADC Electoral Observation Missions
Programme 2: Visible Policing 2014/15 FY 100% expenditure R36.7 billion Total targets: 25 Achieved: 21 84% Targets successfully achieved Most notably, the following targets were not achieved: Reduce the number of reported serious crimes by 2% Reduce number of reported crimes against women by 2% Recover 84.3% of stolen/robbed firearms (only 73.1%) Response time for Charlie complaints The Auditor-General (AGSA) also made serious material findings regarding the lack of reliability of information on targets in the Visible Policing Programme, which casts doubt on the reliability of the achievements reported for the Programme in the 2012/13 FY. Reaction times to Alpha, Bravo and Charlie complaints could not be verified 24% of illicit drug seizure successes and 34% confiscated liquor successes could not be verified Areas of interest (achieved but some concerns): Firearm applications: 268 436 applications finalised Escapes from custody Victim friendly services Rural safety Border security Sector policing Community Policing Forums (CPFs)
Programme 3: Detective Services 2014/15 FY 100% expenditure R15.15 billion Total targets: 20 Achieved: 12 60% Targets successfully achieved Weakest performing programme Targets not achieved: Detection rates for serious crimes not achieved (41% vs 37.4%) Trial ready case dockets for serious crimes (68.5% vs 63.63%) Detection and Conviction rates for serious crimes not achieved. Trial ready case dockets for crimes dependent on police action (55.8% vs 65.5%) Detection and trial ready case docket rates for crimes against women (18 years and older) as well as that for children (18 years and younger) – serious concern as this is also a MTSF Impact Indicator. The target for the processing of case exhibits by the Forensic Science Laboratories was not successfully achieved and is particularly worrying in light of the implementation of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act, 2014. 69% of entries was within the stipulated timeframe (deviation of 24%) Blamed load shedding and water interruptions DPCI Numerous successes 100% expenditure R1.3 billion 8% of the total R15b allocation Total targets: 6 Achieved: 6 (forms part of the 20 targets set overall) 100% Targets successfully achieved
Programme 4: Crime Intelligence 2014/15 FY 100% expenditure R2.884 billion Total targets: 7 Achieved: 7 100% Targets successfully achieved The Crime Intelligence Programme successfully achieved 100% of its predetermined targets in 2014/15 Capacity building: 16 posts at Brigadier level advertised, of which 15 posts were filled Concerns Are service delivery performance accurately measured? Lacking capacity in CI environment raised continuously Use of informants and amount paid in 2014/15 Crime Intelligence Policy and Standing Operating Procedure for Collection approved in 2014/15: How will this impact?
Programme 5: Protection and Security Services 2014/15 FY 100% expenditure R2.202 billion Total targets: 6 Achieved: 5 83% Targets successfully achieved Percentage of security provided in relation to security breaches – one security breaches occurred Of the 94 352 protection operations conducted in 2014/15, one (1) breach occurred due to insufficient infrastructure provisioning resulting in perimeter vulnerability. Sunday Times article published on 20 August 2015 titled ‘VIP Bodyguards expose abusive ministers’ Allegations of working long hours and being forced to drive at high speeds President of SAPU confirmed receiving several grievances Security risk
Conclusion Key areas of concern in terms of service delivery performance during the 2014/15 FY Overall, the Department performed reasonably well in the 2014/15 FY in terms of both service delivery and financial performance, with a success rate of 74%. The key areas were the Department underperformed are: Performance vs expenditure (74% vs 100%) – does the targets accurately measure service delivery; MTSF target alignment and achievement; Building environment; ICT (IJS/CJS/TMS); Repeat AG Audit findings on the reliability of performance; Policies does not trickle down to station level; and Internal Control (especially middle management).
Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Thank you ~ Questions Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: Portfolio Committee on Police nvanzyl-gous@parliament.gov.za 021 403 8416 15