Sun… the only star in our solar system Holds all planets in orbit by gravity Burns hydrogen and helium Average size that looks large because it is close to us Sends light energy to the Earth (Direct rays cause warm temps and indirect rays cause cool temps.) We have a tilted Earth that is why some areas get direct rays and other get indirect ray
North and South will always have opposite seasons
Sun light………………………………..White light Decomposers Tertiary Consumer or Apex predator Consumers Secondary Consumer: Carnivore and Omnivore Primary consumers: Herbivores Producers: do photosynthesis which turns light energy into chemical energy Sun light………………………………..White light
Laws of nature: 1.More water = more plants = more consumers 2. Have to always have more herbivores than carnivores. 3. Always have more prey than predators 4. Only 10% of energy moves up to the next level
Rotation… cause day and night cycle 24 hours Revolution… does NOT cause season 365 days
Weathering: breaking down of rock by wind, water, ice, plant roots and gravity Erosion…Fast moving water or wind pushes (force)pushes sediment(pieces of rock) to a new place Deposition… (force) fast moving water or wind stops…Gravity takes over… settling occurs…SINKING
Weathering...break down rock Erosion...carrying the rock Deposition... dropping off the rock
Low water… low plant… low animal population Example…desert A lot of water… many plants… many animals Example… Tropical rainforest… Great BIODIVERSITY! Populations: same type of animal in the same place…raccoons or deer Communities: Mixed animal populations in the same area… marsh communities
3 states of matter… Solid, liquid, gases *** When you cool any object the molecules come close together… when this occurs in the clouds…water vapor turns back into a liquid=CONDENSATION When the water is formed it falls from the sky=PRECIPITATION (rain sleet snow etc) Runs across the land or collects in puddles EVAPORATION---Molecules heat up and spread out to form a vapor that goes back into the sky
Matter: Physical changes and chemical changes... Chemical changes occur as new substances are formed Indicators...Bubbling or gas Flame Odor Color change Rusting ... glow necklace Cooked items Two liquids become a solid...bonding... Physical change ... It is simply a change in size, shape or state of matter
Metamorphosis---cycles of CHANGE
Rock cycle... 1. magma under the ground... when it is exposed to air it is called lava. It cools once exposed to the atmosphere and becomes IGNEOUS ROCK (Latin means ignite...rock that was once on fire) Igneous rock is exposed to wind, water, ice and gravity and becomes weathered...broken into pieces called sediment. They are moved through the process of erosion and dropped in a new place...deposition. Sedimentary rock is made as sediment is smashed together. Sometimes animals and plants get trapped in the rock making fossils. Sedimentary rock is layered in is considered "banded" As rock is piled up upon it goes deeper in the Earth and gets re cooked by pressure and heat...It becomes Metamorphic rock...rock that has been changed by heat and pressure.
Describe each animal as a primary or secondary consumer and tell why you choose that classification for each animal.
Trace the energy from the Sun to the top predator
Explain the interdependence in this relationship
Explain why the chocolate melted. Is this picture an example of convection, conduction or radiation? Explain!
Explain why. Which straw will make the lowest sound? Explain why?
What evidence of fast and slow processes can be seen in the canyon What evidence of fast and slow processes can be seen in the canyon?...explain
3 categories of rock.... 1. Igneous---comes from volcanic activity...made as magma(molten rock below ground) or lava(molten rock above ground) cools. 2. Sedimentary---Rocks made from little pieces that has been pushed together---Mother Nature's Hamburger patties---layered look or "bands of rock"---
Metamorphic---"changed"---Mother Nature's re cooked left overs---heat and pressure have made a rock that is extremely hard. *** All go through the rock cycle....They are exposed to the surface of the earth and weathered...once broken down they become sedimentary rock---get pushed deeper ---- metamorphic--- get pushed deeper--- igneous---pushes upward as magma...started to get weathered...process starts again
Which student is in the best shape...prove it!
According to the chart, which student is in the best condition According to the chart, which student is in the best condition? Explain your answer (2pts)
Using the shadows...predict what time A. would be______ B. would be______ C. would be______ D. would be______ Are shadows longer or shorter in the fall when compared to summer
Predict and prove … which can contained sand, which one contained topsoil and which one contained clay? Prove it using cited evidence…