The God who Acted Or The God who Acts?
Am I satisfied with what God is doing In my own life? In the life of the church? In the life of our nation?
Grateful for small mercies
Do I have little or no hunger for God?
Am I only concerned with my own salvation
I am not really aware of what God is doing or can do today.
Or am I afraid of what God can or might do? Who knows what might happen? Who knows what the cost to me personally might be? Things might change… I like a calm sea. I don't want waves to rock the boat. I feel totally inadequate to get involved.
The ordinary becomes extraordinary When God acts The ordinary becomes extraordinary
Two ordinary men On an ordinary day
One ordinary man On an ordinary day
Experienced the EXTRAORDINARY! A man walked for the first time in forty plus years A voluntary congregation of hundreds came to listen to two ordinary men Thousands of men were converted
Christian communities
He endows ordinary people with extraordinary gifts When God acts He endows ordinary people with extraordinary gifts
‘When they saw the courage of Peter and John…(Acts 4:13) ‘When they realised…… that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished….(Acts 4:13) ‘When they saw the courage of Peter and John…(Acts 4:13) ‘By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong’ (Acts 3:16)n(The disciples’ faith)
We have: Christ’s commission The promise of the Holy Spirit Do we have: The heart? The will? To allow God to do EXTRAORDINARY things through ORDINARY people like you and I?