NatSIP Tuesday 5 February 2013 Early Years NatSIP Tuesday 5 February 2013
The curriculum framework The Early Years Foundation Stage birth to five years all settings registered with Ofsted revised September 2012
Principles parents as child’s first educator importance of relationships competent learners from birth central role of play, indoors and out routines flowing with child planning for individual child: what children can do Distinctive nature of early years work
EYFS Materials Statutory framework for the EYFS - the learning and development requirements - assessment - the safeguarding and welfare requirements Development Matters in the EYFS EYFS Profile Supporting Families in the Foundation Years Take examples
Development Matters A Unique Child - observing what a child is learning Positive Relationships - what adults could do Enabling Environments - what adults could provide
Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and exploring – engagement Active learning – motivation Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Areas of learning and development three prime areas - communication and language - physical development - personal, social and emotional development four specific areas - literacy - mathematics - understanding the world - expressive arts and design.
Stages of learning and development Birth - 11 months 8 - 20 months 16 - 26 months 22 - 36 months 30 - 50 months 40 - 60+ months Check grids - NB overlapping
EYFSP - Inclusion Characteristics of effective learning and 17 early learning goals All adults who have significant interactions with the child Emerging - use of Development Matters earlier developmental statements Specialist professional guidance for specific SEND
Links to health EYFS progress check at 2/3 years Healthy Child Programme review at 2-2½ years Integrated health and education reviews - testing content and process 2013 - consultation 2014 - implementation from 2015 - short written summary in three prime areas (PSE, PD, C+L) - pilots in Islington, Medway, Leeds, Norfolk, Northants - universal offer not just settings eg drawing on parents' knowledge (link to VIDJ)
Resources Cf Positive Eye Early Years Mapping document (EYFS with VIDJ) updated
Early Support Materials Parent Information booklets Background information booklets Developmental journals Our Family My Life Multi-agency planning and improvement tool (MAPIT) Early Support app NB ES birth to school age and beyond - primary user - can enter info - standard user - invited to share
Parent Information booklets Autistic spectrum disorders Behaviour Cerebral palsy Deafness Down syndrome If your child has a rare condition Learning disabilities Multi-sensory impairment Neurological Disorders Sleep Speech and language difficulties Visual impairment When your child has no diagnosis 24 on web Cf VI - general information, EY, school age, YP Web based material due March/April
Background Information booklets Introduction Financial help Childcare Social services Health services People you may meet Statutory assessment - Education Education Contacts and organisations Being revised + informed choice materials for YP due Feb?March
Developmental journals Early years journal (generic) Deaf children Children with vision impairment Children with Downs Syndrome Multiple needs