Aim: What is the Preamble and how did it set up the Constitution to be a government for the people? Do Now: List the 7 Principles of government. Individual Rights Republicanism Limited Government Checks & Balances Separation of Powers Federalism Popular Sovereignty
Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America NOTES KEY 1 Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America It’s the Introduction or Beginning
We the people of the United States, 2 We the people of the United States, Citizens of America. Power comes from the people.
In Order to form a more perfect Union, 3 In Order to form a more perfect Union, Want to join together as one government. New and improved
4 Establish Justice, Create fairness for everyone
ensure domestic tranquility 5 ensure domestic tranquility guarantee peace at home (within the country)
provide for the common defense 6 provide for the common defense Supply for everyone’s security. Defend the country.
promote the general Welfare, and 7 promote the general Welfare, and Support the whole country’s well being. Provide for the people.
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, 8 secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, and protect the Blessings of freedom to ourselves and those who follow us
9 do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Do set forth and create this Constitution for the USA!
Summary Write a paragraph about the following: Pick 1 of the 7 Principles of Government that best applies to the Preamble. Write a paragraph explaining why this Principle applies best to the Preamble.