Suggested Home Activities The Preschool Press August 21-25 Curriculum This week we will continue to work on learning the routines and expectations of our classroom and the school during circle time, centers, and outside on the playground. In ELA, we will read a variety of “Pete the Cat” stories, while introducing parts of a book. We will also work on listening for sounds in a word as well as learning about letters. In math, we will work on rote counting with 1:1 correspondence to 5. We will also introduce simple concepts during calendar math working on days of the week, months, listening skills, same/different, and color recognition and sorting. Parent ‘s Corner We have had such a fantastic start to our school year! Please be sure to talk with your child each day about what they are doing at school to help to build a good home-school relationship! Also, please make sure to send your child with a healthy snack each day! Be sure you are checking the binders daily for important information and upcoming events! Suggested Home Activities Monday: Read a book with your child. Talk about the parts of the book (Front, back, title page, author, illustrator). Tuesday: Talk to your child about their favorite center at school & new friends that they made. Wednesday: Spell your child’s name with different objects (coins, q-tips, cereal, acorns, etc.) Thursday: Write your name with water and a paint brush. Count 5 objects using 1:1 correspondence. Friday: Read a book with your child! Contact Information: Marigny Elementary: Phone: 985-674-3011 Fax: 985-674-3015 Email: Upcoming Dates 8/25- Spirit Day 9/4- No School Labor Day 9/13- Pre-K/K Open House 5:30 9/11-15- Grandparent’s Week Book Fair/ Fundraiser 9/19- Fall Pictures 10/6- No School Fair Day