Writing Curriculum for Preschoolers
Prewriting Skills Fine motor strength which is developed when children play with play small toys. Hand eye coordination which is developed when children string beads, build puzzles, lace strings, use peg boards. Manipulative Toy List
Objectives for Writing in Preschool The children will be able to: Print has meaning Differentiate between letters Letters represent sounds Understand that words are made up of letters There are spaces between words English is read and written from left to right (CC1.4.A-W – Write for different purposes) Harold and the Purple Crayon
Manuscript writing Definition: printed writing, unconnected letters made of simple vertical lines (l), horizontal lines (-), diagonal lines (/), and circles (o). Not taught formally in preschool because children are not developmentally ready. We must model correct form. Call out letters and have students practice writing on white board. (a, e, b, z, g, j, k)
Sequence of Letter Recognition First recognize the letters in name Recognize uppercase before lowercase Round letters – C, O Curved letters – S, D Curved letters with intersections – B, R Diagonal and straight line letters- K, X, L, H (CC1.1.PK.D – Beginning phonics) White board letter practice
Writing Skill Development Letters begin large and get smaller over time. Usually learn uppercase before lowercase. Spacing of letters is irregular and will be corrected later in elementary school. Wavy lines are expected at first due to lack of hand muscle coordination. Reversals are common. Point out error and show correct form. (CC1.1.PK.D – Beginning phonics)
Guiding Writing Practice Remember children gain writing skills at different rates. When practicing writing, keep it brief to prevent boredom. Help children learn to hold the writing utensil correctly. Use a variety of writing utensils and paper. About 10% of children will be left handed; although in preschool they may not have selected a dominant hand yet. Class Book
Writing Activities White boards Holiday cards Elementary lined paper Writing name on artwork Tracing letters (with markers, colored glue) Coloring in letter outlines Cutting out alphabet with play dough Writing a class book Writing relay Decorate letters (with objects, like animals, people etc.) Foam letter tracing