Design Build Projects from the Consultants Perspective Jeanna Dean Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.
Agenda The History of Design Build (D/B) What is the difference from Design/Bid/Build What determines a project to be a D/B How the process works from beginning to end What is YOUR role in this process Who does the UAO talk to and discuss concerns Documents to know Fl Utility Coordination Conference D/B task Team and your participation
Let’s start with History How it began Let’s start with History
Design/Build Projects Then Design build projects were small They were push button Not a lot of impact to Utilities Projects: Lighting Sidewalk Railroad Cost effective Save Time Liability placed on the contractor No right of way acquisition Just made sense GUIDELINES WERE CREATED! Sidewalks, signals, traffic loops, railroad crossings,
What Changed? Many things Business, Economy, Public Pressure for more roads, etc.
What determined a project to be a Design Build Now Right of way acquisition is not required Public in need of project but no funds are available Public/Private/Partnerships Small to mid level projects Funding Complexity Outside influence Updated Guidelines 2012
Good Design/Build Projects Now The addition of: Major Bridges ITS/ADMS Intersection Improvements Interstate/Rural Widening Fencing Lighting/Signing/Signals Guardrail
Design/Build Liability moves to the D/B Team Cost and Time Savings Best product for your buck/more creative More projects moved through production Less construction time for the motoring public Team effort, everyone works together Flexibility No clear lines of roles and responsibility unless D/B team makes it clear
What’s different from Design/Bid/Build? D/B has shorter design/construction duration The contractor is on board – know construction method Funding is more available through public/private/partnerships – financing more projects No right of way acquisition required Liability shifts to D/B firm not the Agency
What to expect How to navigate the current system and survive
Focusing on the wrong priority The message can get lost!!
General Design Build Process from the beginning In a perfect world
Here is the internal process from a consultant’s view point The governmental Agency “The Agency” places an Ad out for professional service to write the Scope of services and the Request for Proposal (RFP) Certain elements may/may be not required (Depends on the Agency’s preference) Utility Coordination may not be required by the scoping design firm – pass that to the D/B team as their responsibility Markups may/may not be acquired by the Agency A 30% design may not be required to compete OR…. Other Ads require full Utility Coordination Process
Documents Plans Package submittal (Plans Vary) D/B agreement Confidentiality agreements Utility Work Schedule (UWS) Meeting notifications Advertisements on the website Non-governmental agreements
Coordinator’s priorities vary based on RFP (consultants) Three different types of Scopes for U.C. No Utility Coordination Bare minimum (No or Partial Utility Coordination required) Complete Utility Coordination required
Design/Build RFP Advertised
AD FOR D/B TEAM HITS STREET Let the Design Begin (all firms) 30-60 days to respond with package Confidentiality a big deal If no UC is provided – They will call you (all 150 firms) for information
AD FOR D/B TEAM HITS STREET If some UC is performed – They will call you (All 150 firms) If full UC is performed – SOME firms will call you (If the UC is performed while writing the scope of services – that is GREAT!)
D/B respond Now What? Shortlist comes out by FDOT (Usually 4 firms but this is a sliding scale) All shortlisted firms will be in contact with you Addendums continue to come to change the RFP Mandatory Agency meetings (This is new criteria and varies from agency to agency) No confidentiality without agreement!! BIG CONCERN….
D/B response continues Technical proposal submitted (design only) Design/Build firm must continues gathering data to build design/cost Final proposal with costs are provided Bid opening and award of project to one firm
D/B Team Selected
Job is Awarded – Now what? You are officially notified per F.S. 337.403 the job has been awarded. A utility kick off meeting with D/B team Meets with the Utility Coordinator and D/B team to discuss their design and impacts to you Work quickly and consistently with the team
Your time starts now! Program your budget, work orders and material procurement – The more you can do now the better! By 60% you should generally know where you are going and be ready to begin relocation. Contractor determines the schedule, meetings etc. He is in charge, the UC merely works for them/agency. DO NOT GO AROUND YOUR UC – this will hurt you in the end.
Field Work Begins Short relocation duration Time constraints are just like those in construction – Not D/B/B phasing. Review time is usually 10 days (unless otherwise negotiated in the D/B agreement) Agency criteria applies CONTRACTOR IS IN CHARGE Documentation is a must – expect to see it, if you don’t ----- ASK.
What YOU need to know from the beginning Is this a proposal or Do you have the job? Am I able to be paid for my time? Utility Roles and Responsibility (Clarify) Is the information supposed to be confidential or can I talk to all of you about that design issue? Necessary Documents Schedule and impacts to you
Your role during D/B process You do have to respond to the FDOT Scope of services F.S. requested information. Communicate, Cooperate, Commit and Coordinate – otherwise trouble could result. Be aware of changes in the schedule and criteria. Contact the right people Know how to properly raise an issue for resolution Document everything Make sure meeting minutes are written and accurate as well as conversations are documented in an email or log.
Raising an issue during D/B Project Related – Your Utility Coordinator If problem with Utility Coordinator – Your Utility Coordinator first, then no resolution, then the one above the UC. Overall issue with the D/B process – The District Utility Administrator for FDOT or the Project Manager for other agencies Other Utilities to share experiences and resolutions
Documents to know Florida Statutes Agency Design/Build Manual Specifications Policy and Procedures Construction plans/schedule
FL Utility Coordination Committee (UCC) Design Build Task Team
Who Should Participate & Why Your Utility Coordinators/Permitting Coordinators and Engineers FDOT and other Agencies attend this conference and this committee Place to air the issue with the D/B policies Networking Conflict Resolution and investigation Consultants and Agencies do not vote – this is strictly run by the Utilities. Your vote counts here.
QUESTIONS John Birch Skanska John Dewey Parsons Brinckerhoff Jeanna Dean Parsons Brinckerhoff
Sr. Utility Coordination Manager Thank you Jeanna Dean Sr. Utility Coordination Manager Parsons Brinckerhoff 813-520-4317