W.C. Overfelt High School Music, Arts, Administration & Quad Design-Build Project Pre-Qualification Conference April 6 & 13, 2017
W.C. Overfelt Design Build Project Agenda: Welcome and Introductions Pre-Qualification Logistics Project Information Bridging Architect Team Members Project Scope RFP RFQ to RFP Process DB Contract Award Timeline
Introduction of Team Members Julio Lucas - ESUHSD, Interim Director of Capital Planning & Design Carlos Salazar - EUSHSD Sr. Project Manager Janice Unger - ESUHSD, Capital Projects Purchasing Manager, Vito Chiala, W.C. Overfelt High School Principal Mony Thach - VPCS, Project Manager Kelli Jurgensen – VPCS, Regional Vice President John Diffenderfer - AEDIS, Criteria Document Architect Afsha Ali – AEDIS, Criteria Document Architect
Pre-Qualification Conference Logistics Mandatory attendance for at least one person to be in attendance from the Design Build entity representative. Only one meeting attendance is required. Sign in LEGIBLY so we have evidence of your attendance – Please leave a business card
Design Build Teams Preference is for Design-Build Entity members to have successfully completed at least Five (5) educational projects with these components: art, administration, music and theater, quad modernization projects or combination thereof, with DSA review & under a Project Labor Agreement within the last Eight years. Respondents should demonstrate how they either match or closely approximate this profile. Team Members should include the following: General Contractor Architect of Record Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Structural, Civil and other Principal Design-Build Engineers & Contractors Acoustical, Kitchen, Theater and Lighting, Waterproofing and other principal engineering consultants
Project Scope New Building: The new flagship building will be at the corner of the campus facing Cunningham Street. It is planned to house art, music, administrative and two hundred seat theater. Modernization: Take advantage of existing Building H & A2 for art classroom, administrative, school bank & student café and will flow into the newly designed quad space. Quad Modernization: Create a dynamic interface between the new and modernized buildings and the adjacent quad. Design Aesthetic: Complimentary design that ties in the existing building and campus features with modernity, simplicity and elegance. Program and Square Footage: ~28,000 SF of new building space; ~7,000 SF of existing modernization space. Stipulated sum: $17.7 million
Project Team Members to date Design-Build Entities are hereby notified that these firms participated in development of the Criteria Documents, and are thereby precluded from participation on design-build teams per Education Code 17250: Bridging Architect: AEDIS Architects Structural: KPW Structural Engineers, Inc. Electrical: American Consulting Engineers Mechanical: Axiom Engineers Landscape: Carducci Associates Theater: Shalleck Collaborative Acoustical: Charles Salter Associates Civil: Carroll Engineering; C2G Civil Consultants Group, Inc. Haz-Mat: Millennium Consulting Geotechnical: Earth Systems Pacific Project Manager: Van Pelt Construction Services
W.C. Overfelt MAA & Quad Mod Site Aerial
RFP Documents Anticipated to be Provided: Criteria Documents Outline Specifications and District Design Standards Topographic and Existing Utility Survey Plan Hazardous Materials Survey Report Soils Investigation and Hazard Report As-Built of Existing Building and Utilities
RFQ to RFP Process Following SOQ evaluations, the District will issue the RFP to Three DBEs with the highest scores. The District will also identify Two alternate DBEs who may be asked to submit proposals if one of the Three shortlisted firms drops out during the proposal period. At the District’s option, there may be interviews to determine the shortlisted DBEs. Proposals will be evaluated based upon stipulated, weighted criteria, to identify the proposal that offers the “best value” to the District as defined in AB1358 School Facilities – Design Build contracts. A stipend of $7,500 will be awarded to DBEs that submit responsive proposals but are not awarded the DB contract.
DB Contract Award Timeline March 30, 2017 : RFQ Issuance April 20, 2017 : RFIs due April 24, 2017 : Final Addenda Issuance April 27, 2017 : SOQ’s Due at 12:00pm May 4, 2017 : Optional Selective Shortlist Interviews. May 8, 2017 : Notification of Shortlisted DBE Teams May 2017 : RFP Issuance June 2017 : RFP Confidential Interviews (2) July 2017 : DBE Proposals Due August 2017 : Submission Presentations August 2017 : Selection and Negotiation with DBE Team September 2017 : DB Contract Award September 2017 : Notice to Proceed