Graduation Competencies “The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.” -Wallace Wattles Union Grove Middle School August 2016
“If we don’t want our students to be helpless, we have to help less.” All students should have the time and space they need to master the curriculum. “If we don’t want our students to be helpless, we have to help less.” We want students to become independent learners and fill their learning toolbox with tools that help them learn best.
What is competency based education? - Students advance upon mastery. - Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students. - Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students. - Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs. - Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions.
How Does Georgia Compare to the Rest of the United States? Click to add text
Information About Georgia's CBE Journey 3 Smart State Approaches GPB: Competency Based Education - No More Semesters? Georgia's Reform Education Commission Recommends Moving to CBE University System of GeorgiaIntroduces 3 CBE programs) Valdosta State University Selected for National CBE Initiative New England Colleges Signed a Vow to Accept Competency Based Transcripts
Henry County Schools
COMPETENCY BASED EDUCATION Personalized Learning Standards Based Grading Focus on Learner Behaviors vs. academics Growth Mindset 21st Century Skills Differentiation Depth of Knowledge Technology Enabled Instruction Learner Profiles
How Does 21st Century Learning Differ ? ALL students are capable of mastery but the path and time-frame for mastery will vary from student to student. Recent research in cognitive and developmental psychology has taught us a great deal about student learning: Learning and motivation increases when students must explain a contradiction, fill a gap in knowledge, or overcome an impasse. Ability to process information decreases when there is too much information at once. Learning increases when a student must EXPLAIN their understanding of a concept. Knowledge is retained when it is delivered in multiple ways. Frequent assessment keep students focused – small steps at a time. 3. Technology enhances the learning experience. It does not take the place of the teacher.
What Does This Look Like in the Classroom?
Main Components of CBE in the Classroom Focus on a growth mindset Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck (2007) • Focus on learner behaviors • Use of a learning management system – Edmodo or Google Classroom • Use of the Learner Profile for goal setting, reflection, and a portfolio • Standards based instruction • Standards based grading
It doesn’t matter how fast a child learns as long as they never stop learning.
Progression Towards Mastery Each performance indicator (short unit) is divided into four levels. The levels are based on Webb's Depth of Knowledge. *Level 1 – Beginning (Recall ) - this usually includes vocabulary *Level 2 – Developing (Skill and Concept – learning activities at this level vary *Level 3 – Competent – (Strategic Thinking) students will explain their understanding of a concept. *Level 4 - Exemplary – (Extended Thinking) students move beyond the grade level standard
Learning Management System: Edmodo or Google Classroom Allows the teacher to deliver content and instructions in an organized manner. Content can be delivered via text, audio, and or video. Weblinks to online resources for remediation, instruction, and enrichment can be loaded Students have access 24/7 Students can message teachers
Daily Class: What does is “look” like?
Let’s Compare Traditional System Competency Based System Grades are based on a combination of classwork, homework, tests, quizzes, and projects Grades are based on assessments only. Grades are based on the percentage system. The criteria for success may be unclear Grades are proficiency based. The criteria and targets are made available to students ahead of time. Uses an uncertain mix of assessment, achievement, effort, and behavior to determine the final grade. Measures achievement (growth) only. No extra credit is given.
Traditional Grading System Competency Based Grading System Everything goes in the gradebook Only assignments that assess a performance indicator goes in the gradebook Averages the grades of all assignments. Emphasizes the most recent evidence of learning. The whole class advances through content at the same pace. Students advance to work that shows a greater depth of knowledge when ready.
UGMS Universal Rubric Think of the grade as points towards a grade of 100. At the first level, students can earn 69 points.
How do students keep up with where they are? The above summary sheet is something new Mrs. Pickett is trying with her students.
What does the teacher gradebook look like?
What does our Infinite Campus gradebook look like? MS7A final grade: 87
What do you see? MS7A final grade: 86
Students use the following list to set behavior goals This is a critical skill! They will be behind the wheel of a car in 2 to 3 years.
HCS Learner Profile System