Skin Moles: What You've Always Believed To Be True Are Actually Wrong By Dermatend
You'd be surprised at how many so-called facts about moles are actually wrong despite the fact that almost everyone knows about them. For example, you will end up having more moles if you prick even one. That is definitely wrong. Too much sun exposure is one reason why moles appear on the skin. In other cases, it could be because of changes in hormone levels of the body. Even doctors are not agreeable to the idea of using pricking on the moles. Thus you might think that the moles are contagious. That's not true at all. The reason why pricking is highly frowned upon is because it might leave scars and can lead to more serious skin infections.
You don't want to be duped by any of the many mole removal creams available right now, so it's important that you are enlightened about certain facts about skin moles. 'All natural ingredients'.'No side effects'. These are only a few of the many claims that you will find attached to the labels of many of the mole removal products in the market these days. But those claims aren't enough. You should still check out what the ingredients are and how it works and make sure you fully understand the product. Don't be fooled by marketing alone. You have to look deeper, so that you can be more objective when evaluating the product and look for something else if it does not satisfy you.
Do You Know The Wrong Yet Famous Facts About Moles Do You Know The Wrong Yet Famous Facts About Moles? Being aware of what these erroneous facts are will also guide you when deciding how to best remove your mole, especially if you are considering surgery. It is the fear of many that skin moles can cause the much dreaded cancer. That's just not true. There is a possibility for some moles to turn cancerous. When individuals find that the moles are multiplying at a rapid rate, they have to surely consult it with their skin specialist. Some groups of people are also mistaken in thinking that moles come in only one color' black. Dark brown is also a common color for skin moles.
Make it a point that screening for skin cancer is performed Make it a point that screening for skin cancer is performed. You may have skin moles and sores at the same time. However, there may be sores that are not completely healed growing along with your moles. This is definitely something that you should bring to the doctor for a consultation. If you are little hesitant, it might even turn cancerous. The moment you notice abnormal multiplication of your skin moles, have it treated immediately. Mole formation due to hormonal changes should also be referred to the doctor, especially if they appear all of a sudden. You may be asked to take some pills to regulate your hormone levels. Or they could also tell you to undergo laser surgery.
Do you know that even the well-established facts about moles are actually erroneous? You can also remove skin moles purely for cosmetic reasons. But if you are removing the moles, due to the fear that it might turn cancerous, then it is surely not needed.
You can check the following if you want to be sure that your skin mole is not cancerous. If the moles are asymmetrical and have irregular borders and a different color, it might be causing skin cancer. When the newly formed moles are having a different diameter compared to the existing ones, it might be cancerous. If you spot new moles that appear randomly and then they stay on even days after, it's possible that they are cancerous. When this happens, a skin specialist should be consulted. Recommended Link: Dermatend