What you need to know to prevent it Skin Cancer What you need to know to prevent it
Known Causes Exposure to Ultraviolet light Infections Chemicals Physical trauma
Type I: Basal Cell Carcinoma Least malignant Most common Involves stratum basale These cells no longer honor boundary between epidermis and dermis Invade dermis and sucutaneous tissue
Treatment Surgery Cures 99% of the time
Type II: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Involves keratinocytes of stratum spinosum Location: scalp, ears, lower lip, dorsal side of hand Rapid growth: goes to lymph nodes if not removed Complete cure if caught early
Type III: Malignant Melanoma Cancer of the melanocytes 5% of skin cancers Quickly spreads to lymph nodes Survival rate is not good
About Melanoma 6000-7000 new cases per year 80% increase in last ten years Families with moles at greater risk Women: lower limbs Men : on the back Huge increase in incidence in 20-40 year olds.
Major signs of Melanoma Change in size: has it grown recently? Larger than blunt end of pencil? Asymmetrical
Shape Is there a change in shape? Recent development of irregular out-line or map-like edge? Does it appear different in shape to other moles?
Color Is there a change in COLOR? Has it become darker? Does it have two or more shades of brown? Most tend to be brown or black, but can have color
Other Suspicious Signs of Melanoma Change in sensation (Does it itch? Have you become aware of the mole?) Inflammation (Is there any redness or swelling?) Bleeding (Does the mole bleed when knocked? Does it ooze or crust?)