JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY vision To be the channel of blessings for God’s love in the equipping of the young traveller on earth ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY mission To reach out & transform young lives through a unique experience of God To inculcate life-long values in a vibrant growing & God-fearing community, knitted together with love. ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY pillar of values ransforming lives eaching out xperiencing God nitting together as one TREK ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Wonderers @ Route Egypt (Nursery - Ages 3-4) To “wonder” means to “have curiosity or doubt about” - to marvel at things. We want it to be a special experience of God, making Him real to them & transforming their lives; helping them realise that God is very much a part of their lives and wants them to be a part of His big plan. Their materials focus on “discovering God and His wonders”. We would like this age group to discover the wonders of God’s creation, to be curious and experiment and eventually to marvel. Teaching them requires a similar disposition. They are like the Israelites whom after leaving Egypt, learn about the creator God for the first time, learn to be guided by God Himself closely/directly everyday, at every step and turn towards the promised land. ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
Explorers @ Route Canaan (Preschool - Ages 5-6) To “explore” is to “learn whilst on the move” – to discover by trekking through both old territories (previously tread by others) and new domains. The materials aim to let them learn through exploring the lives of the Bible People. They learn to read signs left behind by the Israelite ancestors. On this route, the kids will explore the lives of people – an important factor that influence this age group – they begin to imitate people and community around them. As the Israelites settled in Canaan, the Kingdom of Israel is established and great and also not-so-great characters emerged on the stage of our history with God. ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY
JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Followers @ Route Jerusalem (Lower Primary - Ages 7-9) To “follow” here can mean literally “walking behind or beside to observe and experience”. As they follow and be further transformed, we want them to realise that they are also in turn setting a track for others to follow – witnessing and reaching out to others by example. The materials focus on following the life of Jesus, what He said and do – trekking the path that Jesus walked, learning to apply the “What Would Jesus Do?” strategy. We would like this group to be with Jesus as “eye witnesses” knowing what had happened, just like His disciples (whose faith grew more strongly only after His return). Jerusalem is where the journey ends and where the next lap begins…
JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ROUTE316@JUBILEE JUBLIEE CHURCH CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Faith keepers @ Planet Earth (Upper Primary - Ages 10-11) Keepers are people who keep guard what they have – remain faithful in all that they do and encounter. They learn to strengthen their faith through constant revision of the word of God and be knitted together as one. They should also learn to share their faith and draw others to see Jesus through themselves (reaching out). This is our hope before they move on to the Youth Ministry. The focus here will be to STUDY and APPLY Jesus’ teachings. They will be called to put Jesus’ own teaching to work in their lives as they strengthen their understanding of God’s will for them (similar to the enlightenment of the disciples post resurrection) and spread His gospel.