Solution proposals for replacement of KVASER PCI-CAN interface Geraldine Thomas EN-ICE 18 January 2011 Find alternative to the PCI-CAN interface solution for the upgrades of the LHC shutdown -Currently, there are different CAN interfaces used & supported at CERN within Experiments, based on different technology (currently PCI, USB) -Different OPC servers which do not support all these CAN interfaces diversity in control application setup more support/maintenance Goal: find a homogeneous sol which should -satisfy users needs -long term lifetime protocol -supported by OPC servers -reduce support for maintenance, updgrade 1
Outline Motivations Experiments “etat des lieux “ Requirements and future users needs Overview of available CAN interfaces on the market Solutions proposal Conclusion and plans Overview of available CAN interfaces on the market. May vendors, different solutions based on PCI buses (PCI, PCIx and PCI express), USB and ethernet. 2
Motivations for upgrade Hardware Upgrade of DCS computers 2U 1U (reduced number of PCI slots ) Support/maintenance (external solution preferred) Limit the number of PCs for the monitoring and control of FE devices Number of CAN ports (~12 per interface at least) Several CAN interfaces not all supported by all OPC servers Rack mountable/ cabling (should be robust for rugged env.) Software Upgrade of Windows OS(Win 7, Win server 2008/R2, interest in Linux) OPC new architecture (OPC UA) Solution with long lifetime communication protocol -Due to lack of space in the racks Hw will be changed from 2 Unit to 1 unit, hence reduction of PCI slots. -PCI express or PCIx not been looked at. (limited number of ports per interface, not easily accessible, future/evolution of bus unknown…) -Currently not all OPC servers support the same CAN interface which make is difficult for maintenance and upgrade -UA Unified Architecture: uses web services for messaging, crossed platform PCI bus: 32 bit -will become obsolete because it is a shared bus topology/ shared the bandwidth (first released in 92-ISA PCIx: extended to 64 bits with higher frequencies (now 533MHZ was 66MHz for std PCI), parallel interconnect, shared bus PCI Express: new architecture, (64 bit serial interconnect) dedicated bus, should become the IO std. USB 2.0: 480Mbps (60MBytes/s) PCIx: 34Gbitsps (4GBytes/s) PCIExpress: 2Gbitsps (single lane) up to 80Gbps (10GB/s). (16 lanes) Ethernet: 10-100Mbps 3
OPC Servers/ Supported interfaces. USB-CANmodules (2x8ch) & (8/2/1ch) OPC servers- CAN interfaces compatibility OPC Servers/ Supported interfaces. KVASER PCI-CANx HS (4ch) SYSTEC USB-CANmodules (2x8ch) & (8/2/1ch) PEAK PCI-CAN & PCI-USB (2ch) WIENER +(Systec-to-Kvaser wrapper) ELMB ISEG +(Systec-to-Iseg wrapper) Not all OPC servers officially support the same CAN interface. Systec does but with driver emulator (not elegant!). Systec interfaces should be compatible with ISEG crates. The Wrappers requires support for upgrade of OS, tests compatibility with different HW and interface drivers and OPC server versions. (tests made by Wiener) 4
Experiments CAN interfaces setup status PC hw type CAN Interfaces used OS Future needs /wishes CMS 2U(3 PCI slots) (~10 ) Systec-USB x16ch (ELMB & Wiener) (3) Kvaser PCI-CAN HS 4ch Windows XP HW: upgrade:2U1U OS: Windows 7 External Sol (in favor of an Ethernet sol) Min #ch/interface: 12 ATLAS (~100) Kvaser PCI-CAN HS 4ch (ELMB mainly & Wiener) 2/3 interfaces per PC (~1) Peak PCI-CAN (ISEG crate) HW: upgrade: 2U-1U OS: interested to move to Linux (OPC UA) External sol (i.e. USB, ethernet) LHCb 1U (~15) Systec-USB x16ch (Wiener & ELMBs) (1) Peak PCI-CAN (ISEG crate) Win Server 2003 HW:- no major changes on HW type OS: Window server 2003 Happy with the current sol , new sol should not impact on current setup ALICE 2U (~13) Systec-USB (ELMB & Wiener) in production (+2 lab) Other small Systec-USB 1 ch (~2) Peak PCI-CAN & USB-CAN (ISEG crate) HW: 1U (already purchased) OS: Windows server 2008 R2 (64 bits or 32 bits) Happy with current sol. Others (Compass, NA62, Totem, etc..) Std desktop PCs Na62 (4U industrial rack mounted PCs) (1 ) Kvaser-PCI- CAN-Q (old)[Compass] (~2) Systec-USB in [Totem] NA62 (3) Kvaser PCI-CAN-Q (old) (1) Peak PCI-CAN + 3 more required Reasonable cost sol choice of # of ports for smaller applications. Status: CMS: mainly Systec-USB 16ch, will upgrade HW (2U to 1U), interested to Ethernet solution ATLAS: mainly Kvaser PCI-CAN 4 ch interfaces, currently ~2/3 per PCs, will upgrade hw to 1U - need to find a new solution (external) LHCb: mainly Systec-USB 16ch, happy with the solution ALICE: use mainly systec Max ch used is 10! Happy with the solution, ATLAS is the most consumer of the PCI based sol. There are a few interfaces left with PCI in the other experiments. Future Needs Alice : Win Server 2008 R2 (64 bits) 5
CAN interface selection criteria Physical Compliant with CAN Spec: 2.0A and 2.0B(optional) External solution (i.e. USB, Ethernet) Each CAN port must be independently controlled Galvanic isolation between CAN side and PC Hub solution -several CAN ports per interface (~12 as a minimum) Software Drivers and CAN level API for the programmer for Windows and Linux(OPC UA), well documented manual and examples. Cost Support -should be compliant to CAN spec 2.0A (11bit message identifiers) ---2.0B extended CAN frame with 29 bit message identifier (operational frequency - Each port must be independently controlled (a reset on one port should not affect the other ports) -Should have a long life time protocol - Search for the available external solutions on the market (USB and Ethernet) 6
USB interface: USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mb/s) Market survey: External Sol. -USB USB interface: USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mb/s) Name Supplier # CAN ports Drivers API Cost per CAN ports Comments 1 2 more SYSTEC USB2 CANmodul8 CANmodule16 SYSTEC 1/2/8(1 USB) 16 (2 USB ports required) Windows® 7/Vista/XP (32/64 bit), Windows® 2000, Linux API well documented for all CAN-USB based modules 149 € 169 € 16(900€) ELMB(embedded in OPC server), Wiener (Systec – Wiener API wrapper) ISEG(Systec – Peak API wrapper) PCAN-USB Pro(2xCAN,2xLIN)Hub(1xCAN/2xRS232) PEAK 1 or 2 Windows® 7/Vista/XP/Linux (32/64-bit) API. compatible with all PEAK CAN interfaces 245 € or 390 € (Hub) 490€ (pro) - Used with ISEG OPC server mainly. KVASER-USB KVASER Windows and Linux drivers API available 525€ 600€ Compatibility with Kvaser CANlib. (Wiener and ELMB) Not compatible with ISEG CAN-USB/2 +CAN-DRV-LCD ESD- electronics 270 € limited number of ports Driver not free of charge! (driver license 54€ ) I-7565H1/ I-7565H2 ICPDAS Windows 2000/XP/Linux API compatible with all ICPDAS CAN interfaces 96 € 100 € USB: Many suppliers with mainly solution based on 1 or 2 channels maximum Others company have been looked at: (IXXAT,janz,vector, etc) 7
Ethernet interface: 10/100Mbits/s, RJ45 Market survey: External Sol. -Ethernet Ethernet interface: 10/100Mbits/s, RJ45 Name Supplier # CAN ports Drivers API Cost Comments 1 2 more CAN-Ethernet Gateway SYSTEC 1 or 2 Windows (and Linux available soon) API with detailed documentation 425 € 450 € - Systec could be a candidate for HW dev based and merging API with the CSN USB sol. I-754D-G ICP-DAS Windows 2000/XP/Linux API/ CAN data log tools 150 € limited number of ports EtherCAN/2 +CAN-DRV-LCD ESD-Electronics Windows® 7/Vista/XP/Linux (32/64-bit) CAN SDK with CAN tools, .NET class library/ linux CAN driver 355€ Driver not free of charge! (driver license for Windows and Linux: 54€ ) EtherCAN EMS Windows® 7/Vista/XP/ Linux. etherCAN dev toolkit (Windows XP/Vista Linux) Limited number of ports Anagate CAN Ethernet Analytica 1/2/4/12 Windows/Linux API for Windows XP/2000/Server 2003 and linux 255€ 345€ 4(420€ ) 12(1295€ ) More ports Different operation modes (bridge/gateway) 3x 4 independent CAN interfaces Embedded microcontroller (ARM9 CPU with Linux) CAN connectors !! 8
USB versus Ethernet solution Pros External solution TCP/ IP std communication protocol with long lifetime, with High transmission capacity Driver and API available for Windows and Linux in most cases Std cabling and robust connectors RJ45 Remote configuration/ diagnostic via the web. Ethernet could be a + for virtualization server. Deported connection to PC Cons Limited number of channels per interface (max 2 in most cases) Dongle solutions (not easily rack mountable, some are Din rail) May need to decouple from network Exp !! Cost: (price range for 1 CAN port:200-400 € ) Pros External solution Communication protocol with long lifetime Driver and API available for Windows and Linux in most cases Already tested on large production systems Cons Limited number of channels per interface (max 2 in most cases) if different than systec Dongle solution (not easily rack mountable) Physical connection Cost: (price range for 1 CAN port:96-500 €) 9
Solution proposal -1 SYSTEC- USB KEEP Existing hw solution based on Systec-USB : make a proper integration in the OPC server s (Wiener and ISEG) Pros External solution (reduce maintenance and support) Communication protocol with long lifetime Driver embedded in most of the OPC servers(ELMB, Wiener(+wrapper) and ISEG(wrapper) Large number of CAN ports (up to 16) (interfaces with 1,2,and 8 CAN ports also available) Already in use to control and monitor large control systems. Performance ok Price OK Cons API wrappers for Wiener and Iseg Support/maintenance required by EN-ICE (wrappers for OS upgrade) USB requires physical connection and host proximity (not compatible with virtualization server) Solution already available. -Keep this hardware solution and make upgrades at the level of the OPC server. -Integrate in ISEG and Wiener OPC server 10
USB--Ethernet Solution proposal-2 Request for new hard dev to Systec with CAN-Ethernet interface with one API for USB or Ethernet Pros External solution TCP/IP Long lifetime protocol and high transfer rate Can be used with Server virtualization keep compatibility with OPC servers (new drivers, same API) Limit the impact on the current USB based solution. (minimize the upgrade) Mixed solution based on USB and Ethernet should be possible Reduce maintenance and support: One supplier with two interface types Cons New development required (Time and Cost) Validation and performance tests required (EN-ICE dev ) To ask Systec to have one API for any CAN module type! 11
Solution proposal -3 Analytica New solution based on Ethernet: Analytica: anagate 12 ports Pros External solution 3 x4 independent CAN interfaces, interfaces with less ports also available (1/2/4) 3x Embedded controller ARM9 CPU, Linux CAN interface galvanic isolated Long lifetime protocol, transfer rate Same API for solution with less CAN ports for smaller applications No physical connection to PC required and can be used with Server Virtualization Cost OK Cons Validation and performance tests required (by EN-ICE) New drivers/API: To be embedded in all OPC servers (Cost and Time) Requires maintenance and support of existing solutions # 3 LAN ports to drive the the 3x4CAN 12
Conclusion/Plans Summary 3 Solutions proposed: Current Systec USB-CAN with proper integration of interface in OPC servers Build a new interface Ethernet-CAN with Systec with API upgrade to support both interfaces Take an existing solution CAN-Ethernet with new hardware (the anagate) Plans Contact Systec supplier for feasibility and price quotation for dev Order one Ethernet-CAN interface from Analytica (3x4 CAN ports) Perform validation and performance tests for the two solutions From test results and users upgrade choice, integrate the selected interface in the OPC servers. Sol 1: USB, ask Wiener and ISEG to support systec hw in their OPC servers Sol2: Ethernet systec, New hw, from new supplier to check and test CAN specifications 13