02C.08 International Communications and Base Site Jeffrey Kantor Technical/Control Account Manager
02C.08 International Communications and Base Site 02C.08.00 International Communications and Base Site Management Engineering and Integration $459k labor plus $25k training 02C.08.01 Base Center $48k labor plus $380k operating costs (power, cooling) 02C.08.02 Chilean Data Access Center $12k labor 02C.08.03 Long-Haul Networks 02C.08.03.01 Chile National WAN $619k labor plus $9.3M contracts 02C.08.03.02 International Chile - US WAN $444k labor plus $17M contracts TOTAL BUDGET $1.6M Labor plus $27M Non-labor
02C.08 Scope Archive Site Summit and Base Sites HQ Site Archive Center Alert Production Data Release Production (50%) Calibration Products Production EPO Infrastructure Long-term Storage (copy 2) Data Access Center Data Access and User Services Satellite Processing Center CC-IN2P3, Lyon, France Data Release Production (50%) French DAC 02C.08 Scope Dedicated Long Haul Networks Two redundant 100 Gbit links from Santiago to Florida (existing fiber) Additional 100 Gbit link (spectrum on new fiber) from Santiago – Florida (US Network diverse paths not shown) Summit and Base Sites Telescope and Camera Data Acquisition Crosstalk Correction Long-term storage (copy 1) Chilean Data Access Center HQ Site Science Operations Observatory Management Education and Public Outreach
02C.08.01 Base Center and 02C.08.02 Chilean Data Access Center Base Center design is joint effort with NCSA, Telescope and Site, Camera, System Engineering teams, several ICDs involved 02C.07 (NCSA) defines IT design for Commissioning Cluster, Chilean DAC, and Base Local Area Network, procures hardware, supports installation and test at Base 02C.08 (AURA/LSST in Chile) has primary responsibility for installation, test, and operations at Base Base Center integration in 2017 – 2018, refresh in 2021 Chilean DAC integration in 2020 – 2021
02C.08.03 Long-Haul Networks are contract-dominated 02C.08.03.01 Chile National WAN 02C. Contract 1 La Serena - Santiago Network $5,770k 02C. Contract 1a La Serena - Gatehouse Network $873k 02C. Contract 2 Liello Consultancy $243k 02C. Contract 3 Gatehouse - Summits Network $324k 02C. Contract 4 DWDM Equipment $1,699k 02C. Contract 5 Operating $382k 02C.08.03.02 International Chile - US WAN 02C. Contract 1 100 Gbps Managed Ring $12,000k 02C. Contract 2 FIU-CIARA Management $831k 02C. Contract 3 Spectrum $4,334k 02C. Contract 4 US National WAN $0.00k (ESNet)
02C.08.03.01 Chilean National WAN AURA Gate 4 Dark Fibers in 96 filament commercial bundle AURA Gate Blue line indicates the path in which REUNA will have a dark fiber pair. AURA/LSST and REUNA will each utilize a 100G circuit. LSST will occupy one 100Gbs circuit. Other AURA traffic will flow over the REUNA 100G circuit. AURA will have an optional additional 9 x λs within this pair, each of which can be 10,40,100Gbs Red line indicates the legacy Pan American route where LSST will have 4Gb between 2016 and 2019 which will increase ≥40Gb as a diverse path Three main Telecoms investing in a fiber bundle for an alternate route from La Serena to Vicuna and Santiago. AURA will have an 18 year IRU (2016-2034) with REUNA for 4 dark fiber filaments in this bundle. Completion dated 2015. Pachon Tololo Private 24 Fiber filaments AURA Gate Telefonica will install a private 12 fiber pair bundle for the sole use of LSST and AURA.
02C.08.01 Milestones La Serena – Santiago primary path operational by March, 2018 La Serena – Santiago secondary path operational at 4 Gbps by April, 2016 (complete) La Serena – Santiago secondary path operational at 40 - 100 Gbps by October, 2019 La Serena – AURA Gatehouse path operational by November, 2016 Summits – Gatehouse path operational by January, 2017 DWDM Network Equipment purchased, deployed, configured, tested by April, 2017
DWDM Equipment Conducted 6 rounds of bids with 9 vendors Down-selected to 2 vendors offering best cost and technical Currently in 7th Round, Best and Final Offers Budgeted $800K La Serena – Santiago with line item for replacement Budgeted $600K Base – Summit with line item for replacement Separate purchases (REUNA and AURA) Currently defining who will purchase, store spares Procurement recommendation by end of July, 2016
02C.08.03.02 International Chile – US WAN 100G Ethernet ring until 2032 Subcontractor to FIU includes LATIN AMERICAN NAUTILUS (Telecom Italia) LSST contribution:$9.6M Total cost approximately $42M NSF further contribution $4m No further investor clause ensuring LSST 2018-2032 ring Spectrum on new fiber Combination of investors LSST direct investment $4.6M Total system expense $90M Provides primary, exclusive LSST path Santiago-Boca Raton
02C.08.02 Milestones 100 Gbps Ring is operational with Delivery #4 end of FY17 Spectrum link is operational with Delivery #3 end of FY17 US National network is operational with Delivery #2 end of FY18 (latest, current discussions with Esnet may accelerate) Subsequent deliveries improve reliability and services
02C.08 FY16 Accomplishments La Serena – Santiago primary fiber installed, repeaters installed, waiting on Ministry paperwork to activate La Serena – Santiago secondary path configured, tested, and accepted (at 4 Gbps) La Serena – AURA Gatehouse fiber installed up to Highway 41 turnoff to AURA Gatehouse, “last mile” to be installed at same time as AURA – Gatehouse – Summits fiber AURA Gatehouse – Summits fiber contract split out and awarded to Telefonica, first phase (survey route) in progress, installation complete by November, 2016 DWDM equipment procurement 100 Gbps Ring East and West side fibers in place and under test, Santiago peering for Santiago – Sao Paolo complete by November, 2016 and with DWDM equipment by April, 2017
02C.08 Earned Value Trends are lagging restructuring of Summit - Base contract, late invoices, see Variance Explanations
02C.08 Earned Value Cost Variance Schedule Variance Delayed invoice in La Serena - Santiago link, received in July payment in process Main 55km section La Serena – Highway 41 AURA turnoff is done but final 1.5 km section from Highway 41 turnoff to Gatehouse will be done simultaneously with Summits - Gatehouse fiber, LCR processed in June to invoice/pay all when final section is done Schedule Variance Delay in installation of Summits – Gatehouse fiber, complete by November, 2016
Leveraging joint, multi-national investments in fiber optic networks yielded 10x cost reduction to LSST “3T” fiber in Chile from La Serena – Santiago 100 Gbps ring Santiago – Miami Monet Cable Sao Paolo – Boca Raton Net to LSST 140 – 200 Gbps diverse paths in Chile Net to LSST 300 Gbps (100 Gbps spectrum) diverse paths Chile – US LSST MREFC investment ~$20M Net Value ~$200M (if leased commercially)
Leveraging investments changed spending profile Need to align spending profile with initiative schedules for fiber installation Accelerated LSST spending on 100 Gbps ring and Monet Cable Split La Serena – Summits into two parts La Serena – AURA Gatehouse – REUNA, leverages 3T fiber installation AURA Gatehouse – Summits – Telefonica, new contract, delayed by 6 months Net result 35% early spend relative to original MREFC profile as of 4/30/16 All changes submitted as LCRs and approved Budgeted Cost at Complete remains same, costs shifted forward not increased
02C.08 Team LSST Staff Contract resources Ron Lambert LSST Network Architect 80% Jeff Kantor T/CAM 50% LSST Network Engineer (starting 10/1/16) 100% (50% 04C) LSST IT Technician (starting 1/1/17) 100% (50% 04C) Paul Wefel NCSA Network Engineer 15% (02C.07) Contract resources REUNA (Sandra Jacque, Paola Arrellano & team) Telefonica (Sandra Antonieta Abarca Poblete, Julio Gonzalez Alarcon, Juan Francisco Rojas Grimberg, & team) FIU/Amlight (Chip Cox, Julio Ibarra, Heidi Morgan, J. Bezerra, & team)
02C.08 Summary Base Site design work proceeding on schedule All major FY16 milestones will be achieved, with last part of Summit - Base network 2 months late (November) Total cost remains the same, but processed change requests to accelerate some payments in order to stay on schedule of external fiber initiatives LSST remains on track to achieve unparalleled level of network bandwidth and services for South American – North American research
02C.08: Accomplishments of the previous 12 mos. Milestones: La Serena Santiago Network La Serena – Santiago primary fiber completed on time Fiber installed, repeaters installed Work is done, only waiting on Ministry paperwork to activate link La Serena – Santiago secondary path completed early Diverse path configured, tested, and accepted Fiber capacity is 10 Gbps, LSST allocation is 4 Gbps Currently carrying AURA/DES traffic La Serena – Santiago primary fiber installed, repeaters installed, waiting on Ministry paperwork to activate La Serena – Santiago secondary path configured, tested, and accepted (at 4 Gbps) La Serena – AURA Gatehouse fiber installed up to Highway 41 turnoff to AURA Gatehouse, “last mile” to be installed at same time as AURA – Gatehouse – Summits fiber AURA Gatehouse – Summits fiber contract split out and awarded to Telefonica, first phase (survey route) in progress, installation complete by November, 2016 DWDM equipment procurement 100 Gbps Ring East and West side fibers in place and under test, Santiago peering for Santiago – Sao Paolo complete by November, 2016 and with DWDM equipment by April, 2017
02C.08: Accomplishments of the previous 12 mos. (cont.) Milestones: Mountain – Base Network Split Mountain – Base Network into two contracts La Serena – AURA Gatehouse (REUNA/Telefonica sub) Installed, tested main 55km fiber between La Serena and Highway 41 turnoff to AURA Observatory completed on time Replan to install last 1.5km from Highway 41 turnoff to AURA Gatehouse with Summits – AURA Gatehouse fiber Summits – AURA Gatehouse (Telefonica) 2-month delay, will complete in November Re-negotiation of Telefonica contract Survey of power line posts indicated more require maintenance or replacement than originally anticipated Ensuring work plans conform with AURA safety procedures Milestones: International Network 100 Gbps ring tested, operational between Santiago and Miami completed early
02C.06: Planned for next 12 mos. - Chile Complete Mountain – Base Network Complete last 1.5km fiber Highway 41 turnoff to AURA Gatehouse Complete Summits – AURA Gatehouse fiber installation Re-evaluate adding diverse path Network Equipment purchase, installation Dense Wave Division Multiplex equipment (DWDM) Complete procurement, 7th round, 9 bidders down-selected to 2 Purchase 2 x 100 Gbps equipment for Mountain – Base Network (AURA), install and test Purchase 2 x 100 Gbps equipment for La Serena – Santiago Network, install and test Connect in Santiago with International Santiago – Miami 100 Gbps ring, test end-to-end Support NCSA on Base Site ITC design, procurement Support Telescope and Site on Summit ITC design, procurement
02C.08: Planned for next 12 mos. – International/US 100 Gbps Ring Santiago - Miami Complete switch upgrades in Santiago Start peering with La Serena – Santiago Network Spectrum Santiago – Boca Raton shared scans asynchronous queries automatable DRP loader large-scale testing (~20% DR1 in F16) US National WAN Request and execute agreement with ESNet (2-phase plan) Network Design VLANs to segregate various traffic streams with QoS Full optical path Summits – NCSA (2 phases)