Chapter 10 The Worlds of Christendom


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 10 The Worlds of Christendom Christian Contraction in Asia and Africa Byzantine Christendom: Building on the Roman Past

Chapter 10 Introduction 500s and 600s, Christianity had large communities across large regions of Afro-Eurasia. Next 100 years, most of these communities vanished. Christianity = European By 1300, Christianity provided common ground for third wave societies in western Eurasia. But Christianity was deeply divided

Divide w/in Christendom Byzantine Empire continued the traditions of the Greco-Roman world until they were conquered in 1453 C.E. Eastern Orthodoxy evolved w/in the third wave Roman imperial order disintegrated in the west. Roman Catholic Church of the West established independence from political authorities; Eastern Orthodox did not. Western Europe after 1000 as a hybrid civilization of classical, Germanic, and Celtic

Christendom in the 3rd Wave Era Christendom in the era of third wave civilizations is one of contractions and expansions. Sharp contractions in Asia and Africa Expansion in Western Europe and Russia Christian Byzantium contracted and ultimately disappeared Western Europe contracted but later expanded

Contractions in Asia Islam’s spread was a driving force in the contraction of Christianity. Asian Christianity: w/in a century of Muhammad’s death, Christianity almost disappeared from Arabia Islamic forces seized Jerusalem and its holy sites Syria/Persia – Christians converted voluntarily Nestorian Christians or the Church of the East survived but shrank in Syria, Iraq, and Persia. Nestorians had mild success in Tang China (brief revival Mongols)

Contractions in Africa Coastal North Africa Christians largely converted to Islam. In Egypt, Coptic Church survived Tolerated by Muslim rulers Rural C.C. convert, survived in urban areas Nubia Kingdom (5th and 6th century) = Christian Largely disappeared by 1500 C.E. Ethiopian Christianity an exception Rulers of Axum adopted Christianity in the 4th century Geography Developed distinct traditions in isolation

Byzantine: Building on the Roman Past The Byzantine Empire has no clear starting point Continuation of Roman Empire Some scholars point to 330 C.E. with founding of Constantinople Western empire collapsed in 5th century; eastern half survived another 1000 years Byzantine advantages over western empire: Wealthier and more urbanized Defensible capital city Shorter frontier Access to Black Sea; command of eastern Mediterranean Stronger army and navy Conscious effort to preserve Roman ways

The Byzantine State Arab/Islamic expansion reduced size of the state Politics centralized around emperor in Constantinople Territory shrank after 1085, as western European and Turks attacked Fell in 1453 to the Ottoman Turks

Byzantine Church and Christian Divergence The church was closely tied to the state: “caesaropapism” Byzantine emperor was head of both the state and the church Emperor appointed the patriarch, sometimes made doctrinal decisions, called church councils Orthodox Christianity deeply influenced all of Byzantine life Made imperial rule legitimate Provided a cultural identity Pervasiveness of churches Even common people engaged in theological disputes

Byzantine Church and Christian Divergence Eastern Orthodox increasingly defined itself in opposition to Latin Christianity Latin Christianity was centered on Pope Growing rift between the two (East and West) With Islam, Constantinople and Rome remained as sole hubs of Christendom Important East West cultural differences Language, philosophy, theology, church practices Mutual excommunication Crusades worsened the situation 4th Crusades, westerners sacked Constantinople (1204) and ruled

Byzantium and the World Byzantium had a foot in Europe and Asia Continuation of long Roman fight with the Persian Empire Weakened both states, left them open to Islamic conquest Persia was conquered by Islam; Byzantium lost territory Byzantium was a central player in long-distance Eurasian trade Bezants (Byz gold coins) was major Mediterranean currency – 500 years Byzantine crafts were in high demand Important cultural influence of Byzantium Transmitted Greek learning; transmitted Orthodox Chr. To Balkans &Russia

The Conversion of Russia Most important conversion was that of Prince Vladimir of Kiev Orthodoxy transformed state of Rus; became central to Russian identity Moscow finally declared itself to be the “third Rome,” assuming role of protector of Christianity after fall of Constantinople.