Block A: Introduction to an Early Islamic Civilisation UKS2 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation Block A: Introduction to an Early Islamic Civilisation Session 2 The Spread of Christianity © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
The spread of Christianity Christianity started in Judaea, now Israel/Palestine, after the death of Jesus, which was about CE 30. It was, at first, a section of the Jewish religion.
Many people from around the Mediterranean converted to Christianity.
Although at first persecuted by the Romans, once the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great declared Christianity the state religion in CE 320, many more people across Europe and North Africa became Christian.
By CE 1000 Russia, Scandinavia, Scotland and Ireland were all Christian. In CE 1054, though, the church split into east and west.