Georgia FMC Annual Conference SWAR and Policy Reminders October 2-5, 2016
Agenda SWAR financial reporting reminders Policy locations Policy reminders Other
SWAR Reminders Budgetary Compliance Reserve of Other Funds Timing of submission of budget amendments Monitoring of overspending Reserve of Other Funds Needs to be included in request to OPB for approval
SWAR Reminders Post Closing Adjustments Should be the exception Close process performed correctly will catch the need for MOST entries 2015 2016 # PCAs received 86 77 By close type: Early Close 61 48 Late Close 25 29 # Entities submitting PCAs 34 # Entities making 50% of total PCAs 8 7 % of entities making 50% of PCAs 24% # Lines of PCAs 4,729 5,273 2,031 1,245 2,698 4,028 Sum of Debit/Credit amounts $268,974,054 $411,775,903 Approximate # PCAs which were revised from original submission Not tracked in prior year 13
Purchase Order Policy A PO is required for all purchases greater than $2,500, except for the following: Attorney and legal related payments Benefit payments made directly to recipients Intergovernmental agreements/payments Membership dues and/or subscriptions Payroll and associated tax and benefit payments Postage and shipping Real estate rental/lease payments Registration fees Sales and Use tax payments Travel expense reimbursements Utilities WEX and ARI payments
Purchase Order Policy All agency contracts, statewide contracts, and interagency agreements should be procured consistent with this Purchase Order Policy. While not required as part of this Policy, agencies may, at their discretion, use purchase orders for any of the above categories, including obligations for less than $2,500.
Payment Method Policy Payment Method Policy – Effective Date TBD The State's policy is to pay for goods and services in the most efficient, effective, and least costly manner possible while providing adequate controls over the processing of vendor invoices and payments.
Payment Method Policy Vendor Payments The policy of the State is to make payments to vendors electronically and to avoid the associated costs of issuing a paper check when practical. Purchases for less than $1,000 use the State’s P-card for on-line and point of sale transactions Purchases over $1,000 but less than $5,000 may use the State’s P-card after following the process in TGM. Payments for goods and services greater than $5,000 should be made via ACH and/or e-Payables. Payments to vendors by check should be done on an exception basis only.
Payment Method – Decision Tree The recommended payment method has been assigned to each vendor and will be stored in the Vendor Master in PeopleSoft and TGM for reference. Yes Does purchase meet the following criteria: Below p-card limit ($1,000)? Urgent, non-routine, and unplanned? Agency has elected to use P-card? Is the payment default in vendor master ePayables? No Pay with P-card (POS, on-line, etc) Pay with ePayables Is the payment default in vendor master ACH? Notes: 1 Wires are only to be used in exceptional circumstances where ACH and/or checks are not possible. Pay with Check1 Pay with ACH1 Is purchase less than $5,000 and using TGM/P-card process in TeamWorks?
Payment Method Policy Wire Transfers As a general policy, wire transfers should be used only as a payment means of last resort since this option results in the highest cost and risk. Protocols for payment processing utilizing online bank proprietary systems are detailed in the policy. Largest point here is that a single person should not able to initiate and approve a wire.
SINGLEPAY1 Vendor Policy Vouchers using SINGLEPAY1 vendor ID - Effective 10/1/2015 When agencies make a payment without creating a vendor in TeamWorks — agency personnel can create a voucher using the SINGLEPAY1 vendor ID. Appropriate uses of SINGLEPAY1 vendor ID are limited to: Refunds (original payment received via cash or check) Rebates One time transactions which are not 1099 applicable and less than $500
SINGLEPAY1 Vendor Policy SINGLEPAY1 should NOT be used for the following types of payment: Refunds for payment made via credit card Vendors that already exist in vendor master file Payments to other state agencies Payments to vendors that could be 1099 Payments that require a purchase order Payments for goods and services originally encumbered on a purchase order Payments for reimbursements to employees
Spending Order Spending Order Policy - Effective 10/1/2014 When an obligation/expenditure/expense is incurred for purposes for which federal, state, and other funds are available, agencies should first utilize federal funds to meet the obligation, followed by other funds not otherwise remitted to Treasury as a revenue, referred to as retained revenues, prior to the use of state funds. Use state funds last!
Spending Order Policy Lapse Agencies must incur expenditures for these retained revenues in the fiscal year in which they are earned. If expenditures are not incurred, the retained revenues will be subject to lapse. Agencies shall submit reserve request letters to OPB at the end of each fiscal year for all funds other than federal, including these retained revenues, that the agency intends to reserve and exclude from the calculation of surplus.
Policy Reminders – Travel Policy Statewide Travel Policy - Updated 3/1/2016 The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines to state agencies for payment of travel expenses in an efficient, cost effective manner, and to enable state travelers to successfully execute their travel requirements at the lowest reasonable costs, resulting in the best value for the State.
Statewide Travel Policy There are several key points to remember when incurring expenses on behalf of the State: Under no circumstances should an individual approve his/her own expense report. All expense reports must be submitted by the individual who incurred the expense. The State will not reimburse employees for personal expenses.
Vendor Reactivation Process Why was the vendor made inactive in Teamworks? Navigate to the “Identifying Information” tab Review “Vendor Name 2” to assess the reason the vendor has been inactivated. In most cases, you will see the following reason: “XX-XX-16, Per IRS no match, W-9 required”
Vendor Reactivation Process If your agency encounters an inactive vendor in TeamWorks due to the IRS match , the following steps should be taken to reactivate the vendor: Contact the vendor to obtain an updated, signed W-9 form To re-activate the vendor, submit the new W-9 form, along with a completed Vendor Management form, to the Vendor Management Group at
Policy Reminders P-card/E-Payables Policy Accounting for such