Blood and circulation
What is blood for? red cell white cells platelets plasma Appearance Function
What is blood for? red cell white cells platelets plasma Appearance Function Carry oxygen Fight disease Clot blood and stop bleeding Carry dissolved gases and nutrients
Listening to your blood What are you hearing?
Checking blood is still moving
Different blood vessels Arteries Capillaries Veins Carry Blood Pressure Walls are Blood is Pulse
Different blood vessels Arteries Capillaries Veins Carry Blood Away from the heart From arteries to veins Towards the heart Pressure High Low Very low Walls are Thick and muscular with elastic fibres Very thin and leaky, one cell thick Thin Blood is Oxygenated Exchanging gases and nutrients with cells De-oxygenated Pulse strong none None
Where does blood go? Role play
The journey of a blood cell around the body heart lungs body organ muscle oxygen carbon dioxide carry in out red blood cell takes gives out oxygenated blood deoxygenated blood How many times does the blood go through the heart? What is this called?