Sentence Fragments (SF) Run-On Sentences


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Presentation transcript:

Sentence Fragments (SF) Run-On Sentences Sentence Errors Sentence Fragments (SF) Run-On Sentences

Sentence Errors #1: Sentence Fragments A sentence fragment (SF) is an incomplete sentence. Missing a subject or verb Visit the museum. The student in the class. The students who study in Brian’s class. (study is not a verb in this sentence – it is part of a phrase that describes the subject)

Sentence Errors #1: Sentence Fragments A sentence fragment may have a subject and verb but not be a complete idea: An incomplete idea (starts with subordinate conjunction like because, if, after, while, etc.) Because I have a test on Friday. If I don’t study for the test.

How to Fix Sentence Fragments 1. Add the missing subject or verb Watching movies, chatting with friends and playing games. I like watching movies, chatting with friends and playing games. Watching movies, chatting with friends and playing games is fun.

How to Fix Sentence Fragments 2. Add an independent clause (IC) Because I have a test on Friday. I can’t go skiing because I have a test on Friday. Because I have a test on Friday, I can’t go skiing.

How to Fix Sentence Fragments 3. Remove the subordinate conjunction Because I have a test on Friday.

Practice Fixing Sentence Fragments After he finished eating. Trying to get the waiter's attention. The students who are studying English in Brian’s class. Swimming, running and exercising in the health club.

Answers (other answers possible) After he finished eating, he studied English. I was trying to get the waiter's attention. The students who are studying English in Brian’s class are wonderful. Swimming, running and exercising in the health club is fun and healthy.

Sentence Errors #2: Run-On Sentences A Run-On Sentence (RO) 2 or more sentences joined together incorrectly Remember that to join 2 simple sentences we need a comma (,) + a FANBOYS SV, FANBOYS SV.

Run-on Sentence Examples My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. There are two independent clauses in this sentence. My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her Note: A and B below are also run-on sentences because we need both a comma (,) and a FANBOYS to combine two independent clauses. A. My professor is intelligent, I’ve learned a lot from her. B. My professor is intelligent so I’ve learned a lot from her.

How to Fix Run-on Sentences 1. Separate into two sentences My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. My professor is intelligent. I’ve learned a lot from her.

How to Fix Run-on Sentences 2. Add a comma (,) and a FANBOYS My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. My professor is intelligent, so I've learned a lot from her.

How to Fix Run-on Sentences 3. Add a subordinate conjunction My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. Because my professor is intelligent, I've learned a lot from her.

How to Fix Run-on Sentences 4. Use a semi-colon (;) to separate My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. My professor is intelligent; I've learned a lot from her.

Sentence Fragment and Run-on Editing Practice RO or SF or OK 1. ___While I studied in the library with my friends. 2. ___My father has always enjoyed watching sports, his favorite is soccer. 3. ___I like this class, it is very interesting.  4. ___She broke the zipper on her evening dress, her mother had to cut the dress off. 5. ___Watching the news to get information about North Korea. 6. ___Standing next to his table. 7. ___Curtis is the oldest of five children he is the only one to have graduated from college.

Answers (other answers possible) RO or SF or OK 1. SF While I studied in the library with my friends. 2. RO My father has always enjoyed watching sports. His favorite is soccer. 3. RO I like this class because it is very interesting.  4. RO She broke the zipper on her evening dress, so her mother had to cut the dress off. 5. SF I was watching the news to get information about North Korea. 6. SF The waiter is standing next to his table. 7. RO Curtis is the oldest of five children; he is the only one to have graduated from college.