Knowing regular IR verbs and their conjugation
IR VERBS The final group of regular verbs in French end in IR Like regular ER and RE verbs, regular IR verbs follow conjugation rules So any regular IR verb will be conjugated the same way
IR VERB CONJUGATION To conjugate IR verbs, take off the IR and add the ending that agrees with the subject. IR verb ENDINGS je – is nous - issons tu – is vous - issez il/elle/on – it ils/elles - issent Any regular IR verb will be conjugated using these endings.
IR VERB CHART Lets make a verb chart for the verb finir Finir = to finish Je finis nous finissons Tu finis vous finissez Il finit Elles finissent Notice when pronouncing the verbs, the ‘s’ and ‘t’ at the end of je, tu and il are silent!
OTHER IR VERBS Here is a list of other regular IR verbs Choisir = to choose Grossir = to gain weight Maigrir = to lose weight Grandir = to grow Obéir = to obey Réussir à = to succeed, to pass Rougir = to blush
EXAMPLES Je choisis une baguette. Il grossit. Nous maigrissons. I’m choosing a baguette. Il grossit. He’s gaining weight. Nous maigrissons. We’re losing weight. They’re (fem.) finishing a grapefruit. Elles finissent un pamplemousse.
VOULOIR Vouloir (to want) is an irregular IR verb and does not follow ANY IR verb conjugation rules. Vouloir = To want je veux nous voulons tu veux vous voulez il /elle veut ils/ elles veulent In French, people often use je voudrais (I would like) instead of je veux to be more polite
Vouloir Examples Nous voulons du chocolat? Do we want some chocolat? Tu veux dîner au restaurant? Do you want to dine at the restaurant? Je voudrais un pamplemousse. I would like a grapefruit. They (fem.) want a tartine. Elles veulent une tartine.
Irregular IR verbs The are three main irregular IR verbs that are commonly used Sortir = to go out Partir = to leave Dormir = to sleep These three verbs are conjugated similarly The endings are the same but the stems change!
Irregular IR verbs Lets make a verb chart for Sortir Sortir = to go out je sors nous sortons tu sors vous sortez il sort elles sortent Since Partir is conjugated the same way make a your own verb chart in your notes
CLASS WORK Write the following into French I sleep. We go out. They (masc.) leave You all sleep. You (singular) go out.
SORTIR AND ITS MEANINGS The verb sortir has more than one meaning. Use alone it means to go out Sortir de = to leave as in to go out of place / to exit When followed by a noun, sortir means to take out Examples Je sors. = I go out Il sort de l’école = He leaves school Nous sortons nos amis. = we take out our friends.
PARTIR AND ITS MEANINGS The verb partir can also have more than one meaning. Partir alone means to leave Partir de = to leave from a place Partir pour = to leave for a place EXAMPLES L’avion part ce soir. = The plane leaves tonight Il part de la porte trois. = He leaves from door three. L’avion part pour Paris. = The plane leaves for Paris