Cash in Emergencies (CiE) Toolkit International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Purpose Make cash transfer programing tools, practical guidance, minimum standards and good practice easily accessible to field staff and volunteers
Goal Improve the quality of cash transfer programming (CTP) in emergencies
Internal dissemination Within the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement the CiE Toolkit will inform and guide cash transfer programming.
Transparency and collaboration The CiE Toolkit will be made available to other organizations and CTP networks.
CiE Toolkit structure
5 modules One module for each phase of the project cycle
CiE Toolkit structure
Modules are divided into steps and sub-steps which are indicative and not necessarily sequential.
CiE Toolkit resources 5 modules with road maps and core tools RCRC Movement Key documents Reference Box with additional CTP Guidance Modalities Box (Cash for Work and Vouchers) CiE Toolkit resources
Road maps provide brief guidance on how to move through the process Include minimum standards, description of the sub- steps, introduction to tools, list of reference documents
Minimum standards what the programme cannot do without based on good practice in the humanitarian sector when time and resource constraints do not allow to follow all the steps and sub-steps proposed
Tools Templates, checklists and guidance tools adaptable to be used in different contexts and CTP programmes, by different organizations
Additional Boxes Reference Box and Modalities Box Grouped for easy access to relevant CTP guidance and access to a specific modality (CfW, Vouchers)
The CiE Toolkit offers more 200 tools and is expected to grow and improve.
Feedback is welcome and will inform the periodic updates of the toolkit.
The CiE Toolkit was made possible thanks to the support of: International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Committee of the Red Cross American Red Cross British Red Cross and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash Peer Working Group.