Positives... to celebrate Problems... to solve Potential... to explore Positives... to celebrate Problems... to solve Potential... to explore Next action points
Mastery Positive attitude Purposeful practice Perseverance Where learners experience: high quality teaching guidance and support encouragement and praise ……and where sufficient time is planned ……they will also experience personal learning success Positive attitude Purposeful practice Perseverance
Learning is much too hard Danger zone Learning is much too hard Learning is tricky Challenge zone Comfort zone Learning is easy
To start us thinking
Give three reasons why you think children need to be taught science children should not be taught science
Characteristics of living things As chick eggs develop they get heavier Humans are not animals Teachers are not humans Plants can not be alive as they don’t move and eat
Green plants When a green plant grows in a plant pot the amount of soil in the plant pot gets less When seeds germinate they get lighter If we plant a flower it might grown into a new plant Plants get their food from the soil Not all plants are green
Materials and grouping Sand is a liquid because it pours Ice melting in a glass jar makes the outside of the glass moist because the water comes through he glass Ice takes up less space as it melts so the melted ice must be lighter than the solid ice Solid things are heavier than liquid things All solid things are hard
Skills development Conceptual development Years 5 & 6 Years 3 & 4 Years 1 & 2 FS 2
Scaffolding learning You can take it away when you don’t need it anymore Takes you higher than you could reach without it Lets you go up and down to add bits on the way. You can look at what you’ve done and where you’re going Keeps you stable as you’re adding new stuff at the top Gets you started
Use the hand outs to help you integrate the skill targets into your next topic Be creative – produce a scaffold poster to remind the pupils where they are and they are going
Learning objective Skill WILF: year 1 & 2 Teacher models good practice in language and thinking WILF: year 3 & 4 Teachers helps pupils make decission WILF: year 5 & 6 More independence and more systematic Asking the question Asking the starter question Teachers encourage pupils to generate questions (teachers modelled) With help we can ask a scientific question We can ask our own scientific questions Decide which type of enquiry is needed We can help to make decisions about the type of enquiry (research, comparative study fair test) to carry out We can make our own decisions about the type of enquiry to carry out Collect data What are we measuring or observing? We can talk about what we are going to: look/listen for (year 1) to measure ….. (year 2) With help we can decide what we are going to: look/listen for measure ….. We can decide the most appropriate observations and measurement to take and how long to take them for What might affect what we are observing or measuring? With help we can talk about (or list) the variables that will effect what we are observing or measuring We can decide which variable to change and which variables to keep the same Ask a questions (that could lead to a fair test) What do you think will happen to X if we ….(year 1) What do you think will happen to X if we change Y (year 2) What do you think will happen to X if we change Y and keep ….., and …. the same What do you think will happen to X if we change Y and keep ….., and …..the same (using appropriate units the sentence) Predict what might happen We think X might happen because ……..based on everyday knowledge We think X might happen because……. (based on scientific knowledge) planning This is the equipment/information we need for our investigation (teacher selects) With help we can decide the equipment we need We can decide the most appropriate equipment to use Collecting data Gather evidence Use our senses and simple equipment to describe what is around us (year 1) We can measure things with help from our teacher (year 2) This is what we have observed… This is what we have measured … (Accurate standard units, range of equipment, including data logger)) This is what I have observed… This is what I have measured … (accurate, precise and repeatable) sorting and classifying Using our senses we can tell our friend what thing are like (year 1) We can compare things (objects, living things, materials) and with help can decide how to sort and group them (year 2) We use simple keys to classify (objects, living things and materials) We can use a classification key We can use a data base (record cards. Computers etc) to describe and classify living things and materials We can develop our own keys to describe and classify living things and materials analysing data and drawing conclusion Noticing patterns and relationships We noticed ……happened/changed when ……(year 1) We thought this might happen ….and the surprise was…….happened (year 2) From the data (observation or measurements) this is the change/pattern we noticed. These are the similarities/differences between……. From the data in our graph/table we found out the relationships between X and Y (e.g .the er…er…rule: the faster the X the slower the Y) Think about spooky results (errors and anomalies) We didn’t think this would happen ….. This is a spooky result. It might have happened because …. Suggest improvements Suggest improvements to our method . If we did this again we would do ……… Suggest improvements to our method and say why If we did this again we would do X because …
Year 2 Year 1 How do you think we could find out about ….? What are we going to be looking for when we …? What do you think will happen to ….if we ….. What do you see/ etc? What does it do..? What colours can you see? What is different…? What is the same..? How do you think it works…? What would happen if…? What do you notice? How could you draw that? What happened when …? What are we trying to find out? How could we try and answer our question? What do you think might happen to …….if we change ……. What will we measure? How can we measure it? What do you see/ hear etc (observe)? Using our table of results which is biggest/ smallest/ fastest/ slowest etc? How could you use drawings to show what you see? What else could we find out? What surprises did you notice?
Within the context of the science topic you are teaching…. and with a partner that teachers in another key stage….. Come up with a question plan…
Using questions to promote learning Prepare key questions to ask Ask fewer but well thought out questions Use language matched to the needs of the learners Make sure everyone in the class has a chance to respond to a question Give time for the learners to think and respond Use questions to get the learners to think and develop a deeper understanding Give clues and prompts Build on what the learners have said, even it was not what you expected them to say Get the learners to ask questions Listen to the learners and make them feels good about the fact they have been brave enough to respond