Unit 8 and 9 Research Project Technology Timeline Unit 8 and 9 Research Project
Starter “Before ICT like the internet and Playstations, people had nothing to do for entertainment.” What is wrong with this statement?
Home Learning Exam question: Discuss the social problems caused by ICT. Advice: to get L4 (16-20 – A/B equiv) you will need to: Refer to a range of social problems Explain clearly how ICT has contributed to these Give examples Evaluate – how much of a problem is this? How much is ICT to blame? Due next Thursday 24th March
Learning Objectives Develop knowledge of how ICT has developed over the past 100 years Develop knowledge of how ICT has impacted on society – both positive and negative effects Using on-line timeline generator to present findings in a creative way
What you will do…. Research when technological advances were made – and what impact they had on individuals and society Record information on: What technology does – how does it change individuals’ behaviour/experience? Positive effects? Negative effects? Display information on ‘interactive timeline’ (choose one at http://elearningindustry.com/top-10-free-timeline-creation-tools-for-teachers ) Present in lessons after the Easter holidays
Model 1: iPods/ MP3 players Technology: Apple iPod Invented/introduced: 2001 Activity/behaviour/experience: listening to music library on the move Positive Impact: In terms of experiencing music: no different to Walkmans or minidisc players But – bigger storage = more tracks = greater choice of tracks for listener Negative impact: Nothing different to Walkmans – listener ‘cut off’ from outside world
Model 2: On-line banking Invented/introduced: 1997 Activity/behaviour/experience: customers can check their account, make payments/transfers, apply for loans etc Positive impact: More control over finances Don’t need to phone (expensive, time-consuming) or go to actual bank… good for those with mobility or geographical issues Negative impact: Easier to commit fraud (compared to old fashioned bank robbery!) ‘Phishing’ Staff in banks cut…. Less easy to discuss finances face to face with bank manager/ advisor