The most famous pharaoh – “The Greatest” was reigning 60 years.
The biggest pyramid was building about 20 years.
Age of the oldest pyramid is more than 4600 years.
Saim-al-Dahr – the man who broke Sphinx's nose in 1378
Tutankhamun was living only 18 years. He was killed.
Egyptians were believing that the soul was in the heart.
Egyptians made the first lock, key, brush, toothpaste and scissors
PAST CONTINUOUS Используется для обозначения длительного действия в прошлом.
to be (was/were) + глагол + ing Формула (+) подлежащее + to be (was/were) + глагол + ing
to be (was/were) + подлежащее + + глагол + ing Формула (?) to be (was/were) + подлежащее + + глагол + ing
подлежащее + to be (was/were) + not + глагол + ing Формула (-) подлежащее + to be (was/were) + not + глагол + ing