Trench Warfare 2016
Captain C. E. W. Bean, knee-deep in mud in a trench near Gueudecourt Captain C.E.W. Bean, knee-deep in mud in a trench near Gueudecourt. He was later to write and edit the multi-volume official history of Australians in the First World War. (AWM E00572)
Diseases from the Trench Trench fever (an infection caused by louse excrement) Trench nephritis (an inflammation of the kidneys) Trench foot (the infection and swelling of feet exposed to long periods of dampness and cold, sometimes leading to amputation) became common medical problems, and caused significant losses of manpower
Trench Fever The first clinical description occurred during World War I (WWI), Disease among Allied troops serving in the trenches during WWI. Reemerged as an epidemic on the eastern European front during World War II. Symptoms: Fever, Rash, Abdominal pain
Trench Foot ‘Trench foot' was in fact a fungal infection of the feet brought on by prolonged exposure to damp, cold conditions allied to poor environmental hygiene.
Rats and Fleas Rat’s were everywhere!! Fleas were everywhere. Disease spread quickly