Funding Forecast: Your Crystal Ball for Funding Requirements Sukhdeep Kaur User Conference | October 20, 2016 11:15 am – 11:45 am
Highlights Forecast up to 25 years can be generated using long and short term asset plans Allows organizations to plan and support asset refurbishments and replacements Forecast can be compared to Asset Indexes to strategize support levels Powerful tool to facilitate future funding needs with stakeholders Flexible funding forecast rolled up to Location, Class and Domain Level
Detailed Overview Cost analysis based on theoretical life & Asset Plans Backlog Capex Tasks with backlog years information Funding Forecast for entire domain or specific Class/Location Exporting to PDF/Excel feature Printable Chart CAPEX /OPEX /BACKLOG color coded
Live Presentation
FAQ What all is included in Backlog Cost? Are future cost projections inflated? Does the funding roll over for Categories/Classes/Domain? Does funding module show all assets?
Funding Forecast: Your Crystal Ball for Funding Requirements Questions Sukhdeep Kaur 916.779.7305 User Conference | October 20, 2016 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Funding Forecast: Your Crystal Ball for Funding Requirements