Financial Aid From the Student’s Perspective Korrie Price Alyssa Dick DMACC
Creating an FSA ID.
Creating an FSA ID.
Things to remember: Email addresses can only be used once. Creating an FSA ID. Things to remember: Email addresses can only be used once. Username can’t have spaces. Usernames can’t be identical to one used by someone else. When typing in the username, there should be a notification if it has already been used. Password must contain at lease one number, capital letter, lowercase letter, and be eight or more characters long. We’ve found a symbol is not necessarily needed. Once created, a person can’t re-create an FSA ID if a social security number is already in the system.
Creating an FSA ID.
Creating an FSA ID.
Things to remember: Challenge answers are case-sensitive Creating an FSA ID. Things to remember: Challenge answers are case-sensitive Spacing has to be exact. Significant date can’t be the student’s (or user’s) birthday. It’s a good idea to click the “Show Text” box.
Creating an FSA ID.
How users confirm their email address: Creating an FSA ID. How users confirm their email address: THEY MUST KEEP THE SECURE CODE BOX OPEN. ONCE IT IS CLOSED, THE CONFIRMATION CODE IS NOT USEABLE. There’s no need to remember the confirmation code. It is not uncommon for this email to go to spam or another junk email box. User can’t reset their FSA ID username/password unless email is confirmed.
How to tell if a person has an FSA ID.
How to tell if a person has an FSA ID.
Sometimes this doesn’t work if: How to tell if a person has an FSA ID. Sometimes this doesn’t work if: The user used the wrong information to set up the FSA ID (there is a typo in the social, name, etc.). The user used a different name when they set up their FSA ID (i.e., they set up the FSA ID under “Michael” and logged in as “Mike).
What if the FSA ID is locked or not working? It is possible that there is a typo in the information the user provided. Log into the FSA ID site.
What if the FSA ID is locked or not working?
What if the FSA ID is locked or not working?
What if the FSA ID is locked or not working? Generally there will be a box around the social security number if it is incorrect.
Click on forgot my password. What if the user can't remember their FSA ID? Click on forgot my password.
What if the user can't remember their FSA ID? Put in the email address most likely used (the system will tell you if it wasn’t used).
What if the user can't remember their FSA ID? Keep the confirmation code window open and open window in new tab. Put in the six digit confirmation code id that was sent in the email.
What if the user can't remember their FSA ID? Create a new password (can’t reuse a password if it was one of the last 10 used).
If the student can’t resolve issues with the FSA ID. Call 1-800-4FED AID. To re-establish a username/password, the process is: An email will be sent to an email the user select’s. The user will have to provide an identity document (scan of driver’s license/state ID), social security number, etc. After confirmation, the user can reset their password/use another email/etc. This process can take weeks.
Won’t be available at all until 2018-19 school year. Linking taxes with the FAFSA (IRS DRT). Things to remember: Won’t be available at all until 2018-19 school year.
Things to remember (based upon 2017-18 requirements): Linking taxes with the FAFSA (IRS DRT). Things to remember (based upon 2017-18 requirements): User must be logged in under their user name and password. Can’t use the DRT if their martial status conflicts with their marital status on taxes. Name on DRT must be the same as the one used on taxes (this can be edited).
Student logs in with FSA ID username/password at Entrance counseling/master promissory note. Student logs in with FSA ID username/password at
Entrance counseling/master promissory note.
Entrance counseling/master promissory note.
Entrance counseling/master promissory note.
Entrance counseling/master promissory note.
Entrance counseling/master promissory note. Things to remember: The student can’t save entrance counseling in the middle (i.e., it must be completed all in one sitting). There are multiple choice questions and fill in the blank questions. The student may need aid information to complete it. There are questions that are not necessarily correct or incorrect (i.e., the student will estimate how much their salary will be after they graduate). Let the student know they will have to guestimate on some questions. Student needs to make sure they are completing forms for the correct grade level (graduate/undergraduate).
Entrance counseling/master promissory note.
Non-filing letter.
Non-filing letter.
To download online, a user must: Non-filing letter. To download online, a user must: Have a revolving line of credit (mortgage, car loan, unsecured credit card). Provide their phone number – must be in their name, and can’t be to a pre-paid phone. Provide information that was last verified by IRS for their address.
If ordering by phone, the user will request a “Tax Return Transcript.” Non-filing letter. Non-filing letters can’t be ordered via “Get Transcript by Mail” option. If ordering by phone, the user will request a “Tax Return Transcript.”
Non-filing letter.
Paper form can take time, so should be used as a last resort. Non-filing letter. Paper form can take time, so should be used as a last resort. Make sure 4506-T is used (4506 is a different form, which is used to get an actual copy of the tax return). Make sure correct tax year is requested.