Automation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions
1. What will be the effect on production cost after implementing automation. Cost will increase Cost will decrease No effect Don’t know Ans: Cost will decrease
2. Which of the following is not a type of industrial automation? Flexible Automation Fixed automation Primary Automation Programmable Automation Ans: Primary Automation
3. In fixed automation, one can produce variety of products. True False Don’t know Ans: False
4. Which of the following is not an advantage of the industrial automation? Increase in quality End user satisfaction Decrease in cost Decrease in production rate Ans: Decrease in production rate
5. Which of the following is not a type of automated systems Continuous Automated System Disputed Automated System Synchronous Automated System Asynchronous Automated System Ans: Disputed Automated System
6. Selection of automated system does not depend on No. of operations to be performed Floor space available Size of the product/component produced Use of product Ans: Use of product
7. Which of the following is a type of transfer mechanism generally used in industrial automation? Peripheral Transfer Mechanism Diagonal Transfer Mechanism Linear Transfer Mechanism Square Transfer Mechanism Ans: Linear Transfer Mechanism
8. Geneva mechanism is a type of Linear Transfer Mechanism Rotary Transfer Mechanism Simple Transfer Mechanism Complex Transfer Mechanism Ans: Rotary Transfer Mechanism
9. Which of the following approach is not used in analyzing automated flow line? Upper bound approach Moderate bound approach Lower bound approach Ans: Moderate bound approach
10. What is line balancing? Balancing on the rope Balancing on the wheels Balancing on the line Equal assignments of tasks to the work centers Ans: Equal assignments of tasks to the work centers
11. What is NC? Moving tool non-conventionally Controlling work piece movement by numbers, letters etc. Controlling tool movement by numbers, letters etc. Controlling men on work place. Ans: Controlling tool movement by numbers, letters etc.
12. Which is not a type of NC system? Point -to- point NC system Contouring NC system Straight cut NC system Curvilinear NC system Ans:Curvilinear NC system
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