OER Africa & University of Pretoria OER in Veterinary Education: AfriVIP OER Africa & University of Pretoria
Context Department of Tropical Diseases : Onderstepoort. Initial desire to incorporate e-learning into modes of delivery. Large amount of quality teaching recourses including digital resources such as video. Focus on CPD, undergraduate and post graduate studies. Worked closely with OER Africa to develop a strategy.
Value Proposition Release high quality veterinary resources with open license, partly to highlight the excellent work being done at UP Onderstepoort, but also to improve access to information in this field across Africa. Organise these resources so that they can be used by vets to collect professional development points from SA Vet Council. Same materials to be used as content elements within Graduate and Post Graduate courses run as online courses from Onderstepoort.
Value Proposition II Creation and use of these resources to act as a catalyst to encourage staff and students at UP to embrace ICT and digital open content as essential tools in the teaching and learning process. Future programmes and courses to be run from an online Faculty teaching/learning portal. Use the ‘hub’ of open content to act as a gathering and sharing space. Develop collaborative relationships with like minded veterinary councils across Africa and globally to use and expand the content.
Functional Spec
AfriVIP African Veterinary Information Portal http://preview2.bluematrix.co.za/
http://preview2. bluematrix. co http://preview2.bluematrix.co.za/education/audiovisualteaching/africanbuffalo/2013
Partnerships World Animal Health Organisation - OIE Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp Afrivet Academy -------- Tentative: Dept. Veterinary Services (Kenya) – DVS Deans and Registrars from African countries is being brokered.
Success factors Bit early to count successes but progress does look good: Project leader, Prof Koos Coetzer, is committed to the vision and continues to drives process forward, stickler for quality and willing to challenge resistance to change within the institution. Launch of AfriVIP on schedule for end of June Numerous requests for partnership SAVA is working on allocating CPD points to parts of the content.