Africa Vocabulary – Day 1 •SS7G3.a - Explain how the characteristics in the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, and tropical rain forest affect where people live, the type of work they do, and how they travel. Bell-Ringer – In your notebook, describe what you know about the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, and tropical rain forest.
Note Taking Methods For the following vocabulary words you can take notes in one of two methods: KIM Chart or 3-Column Notes Does anybody need a refresher on how to take notes in either method?
Sahara The largest desert in the world located in North Africa. Occupies over ¼ of Africa and has large deposits of iron ore, natural gas, and oil. Area = 3,500,000 sq. miles.
Sahel The arid area below the Sahara desert that stretches across six countries from Senegal to Chad.
Savanna Open grasslands, usually with scattered bushes or trees, characteristic of much of tropical Africa.
Tropical Rainforest Dense forest, generally composed of broad-leaved trees and found in wet tropical uplands and lowlands around the Equator.
Deforestation The cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. Deforestation can erode soils, contribute to desertification and the pollution of waterways, and decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat.
Desertification The transformation of land once suitable for agriculture into desert. Desertification can result from climate change or from human practices such as deforestation and overgrazing.
Logging The process of cutting down trees and transporting the logs to sawmills.
Overgrazing When cattle and other livestock are eating grass at a faster rate than it can grow – leads to desertification.
Poaching To trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt.
Extinction A coming to an end or dying out (Ex – Extinction of a species of animal).
Sahel Video Watch the video about the Sahel and take notes about the specific region (location, countries involved, famine, lifestyle, etc.)
Closing Give me three facts you learned about the Sahel today.