Era 1: Unit 1 Lesson 1: Early Mankind
Bellringer When do humans begin to cultivate the land to raise food? How long after agriculture develops was the city of Ur founded?
Agenda Art work Lecture Video What’s the Difference WS H.W.- read pg.
Art from Era
Behind the Scenes Archaeologists- scientists who learn about early people by excavating and studying the traces of early settlements. Artifacts- remains, such as tools, jewelry, and other human-made objects. Anthropologists- study a civilizations culture. Culture- people’s unique way of life. Paleontologists- study fossils, evidence of life preserved in rocks.
Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) Humans (Homo Sapiens) emerged in Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas. (Every continent except Antarctica!) Land and ice bridges connected the continents.
Neanderthals Early hominids between 200,000 and 30,000 years ago Tried to explain and control their world Developed religious beliefs and rituals Define hominid: any of a family (Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral 60,000 years ago a funeral held for Neanderthals who’s family covered him in flowers. Ritual points to life after grave
Cro-Magnons Early Hominid 40,000 years ago Skeletal remains similar to modern humans Planned hunts Studied animal habits Stalked pray Survived easier with better hunting skills Population grew at faster rate Eventually replace Neanderthals Advanced spoken language
History of Mankind