Evidence of Continental Drift Alfred Wegner
Documented several pieces of evidence to support his theory: Alfred Wegner (1900’s German scientist)—stated idea of Continental Drift Documented several pieces of evidence to support his theory: Glacial deposits and glacial grooves/scratches Age of Igneous Rock Age of Mountains Plant and animal fossil records Jig-saw puzzle fit
Evidence for CONTINENTAL DRIFT Glacial deposits and glacial grooves/scratches on rocks in India & So. Africa. Igneous rocks (same age) throughout So. America, No. America, and Africa http://www.lee.edu/~cguldenzopf/Images/Historical/Historicalmw32.jpg
Evidence (con’t) Mountains (same age - 400M years old) “line up” between So. America and Africa like puzzle piece Mountains- same age (500 million yrs old) “line up” between No. America & Europe http://www.newgeology.us/SouthAm.jpg http://www.indiana.edu/~g103/G103/week11/platefit.jpg
Jig-saw puzzle fit: http://www. bobainsworth
NOTE: The YELLOW AREAS on the maps represent land areas and shallow seas surrounding the continents. BLUE AREAS are deep oceans. The RED DOT shows the location of Wisconsin.
100 million years in the future???
Fossil Evidence of Continental Drift 5th:Same plant & animal fossils found in No. America and Europe. Alfred Wegner's Theory video