Weight Management
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) The amount of energy you need for basic functions: Breathing Blood circulation Growing BMR—the rate at which your body uses energy to stay alive when you are in a rested, fasting state, such as just after you wake up in the morning
Calorie Requirements On average Boys require more calories than girls Active 15 year old boy needs around 3,000 calories Active 15 year old girl needs 2,300 calories
Healthy Fat Healthy amount of fat for young women: 21-33% Healthy amount of fat for young men: 8-20% Why do we need fat in our diet??
Overweight Term used to describe a person who is considered heavy for his or her height Potential dangers: Type 2 diabetes Heart disease High blood pressure Certain types of cancer
Obesity Condition in which a person has a significant amount of excess body fat. Considered obese when you are over 20% of your recommended weight range (based on your height) How do you determine if you are “healthy”, “overweight”, or “obese”?
BMI Chart
Weight Management How do you calculate BMI? Weight management is a program of sensible eating and exercise habits that will help keep weight at a healthy level
Fad Diet Many people want that “quick fix” and are willing to spend lots of money for fast results Fad diets require major changes in eating habits and promise quick results Examples? Do fad diets work? Why or why not?
Assignment! Read pgs. 120-125 Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 5 on pg. 125 THEN Complete the Case Study on pg. 120 (#1-3)
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge eating Purging Involves self-starvation, distorted body image, and extremely low body weight Bulimia Nervosa Repeatedly eats large amounts of food then uses behaviors such as vomiting or using laxatives to rid the body of the food Binge eating Eating large amounts of calories in one sitting Purging Involved vomiting or misusing laxatives to rid the body of food
Food and Digestive Problems Heartburn Caused by stomach acid leaking into the esophagus Usually caused by over-eating food high in fat Ulcers Open sores in lining of stomach or intestines Caused by a bacterium (Helicobacter Pylori) Stress can make them worse
Food and Digestive Problems Food allergy Abnormal response to a food that is triggered by the body’s immune system Lactose intolerance Reduced ability to digest milk sugar “lactose” Causes gas, cramps, and diarrhea Food-born illness An illness causes by eating food that contains a toxin or disease-causing microorganism Examples? Cross contamination Transfer of contaminants from one food to another