EU draft Community Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the use of animal feed in primary production « Workshop on feed safety, marketing and use of feed » Sofia - 15 September 2010
Who are Copa and Cogeca? Copa – European farmers Bringing together 60 EU farmers’ organisations Cogeca – European agri-cooperatives Bringing together 36 EU agricultural cooperative organisations Copa-Cogeca have altogether 76 Member and 29 Partner Organisations Representing 25 million farmers and their families, as well as around 38 000 cooperatives Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 2
Introduction Legal framework General food law legislation (Reg. 178/2002) Feed business operators shall be responsible for all activities under their control. Regulation (EC) 183/2005 on feed hygiene Articles 20 and 22 establish Community guides to good practice in the feed sector. Feed business operators shall also comply with relevant Community legislation (e.g: Reg. 767/2009; Reg. 999/2001) and national legislation. Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 3
Introduction General objectives GHP are effective tools for ensuring feed safety in primary production (HACCP based procedures are not applicable to primary production) This guide provides farmers guidance on how to comply with animal feed legislation requirements and ensure feed safety on their farm. Legal compliance has been differentiated from good practice. Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 4
Scope and structure of the guide Introduction Scope and structure of the guide Some guiding principles A practical tool for farmers in its daily operation: covering all aspects of on-farm feeding (from the purchase of feed to the on-farm production of animal feed…) Efforts so as to make this instrument as user-friendly as possible: “overall responsibilities” section, set of concrete examples, example of a check list - A baseline instrument which may be combined with national guides Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 5
Scope and structure of the guide Introduction Scope and structure of the guide How is it structured? Introduction “Basic principles of feed hygiene” “Implementation of feed hygiene in practice” Annexes (definitions, example of a check list, HACCP principles) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 6
Introduction «Guides to good practices shall include appropriate information on hazards arising in primary production of feed and actions to control hazards …» (Reg. 183/2005 Annex I Part B) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 7
Basic principles of feed hygiene This guide aims to help farmers identifying potential sources of contamination of feed produced on-farm Concrete examples 0f physical, chemical and biological hazards are provided. Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 8
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice These potential sources of contamination may originate from: Premises and equipment Personnel Water sources Production process (raw materials, transport within the farm storage, on-farm mixing , feeding, use of fertilisers, plant protection products …) […] Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 9
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice The guide provides practical recommendations so as to control potential sources of feed contamination Appropriate measures may for instance include: “Advice to ease the cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment used” […] Observation of “application rates and minimum distance requirements when using chemical fertilisers”. […] - Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 10
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice «feed business operators shall take adequate measures …to ensure, where necessary hygienic production» (Reg. 183/2005 Annex I Part B 4. ) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 11
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice The guide provides for some concrete recommendations so as to control “hazardous contamination” of feed ingredients which may arise from various potential sources. This may e.g. include: Considering the potential for soil contaminants to affect feed raw materials, (e.g. precautionary measures may be taken when allowing livestock on land which has been treated before…) Respect maximum permitted dose rates, harvest interval recommendations when using plant protection products . Asking for all appropriate information so as to the quality and safety of the feed purchased. […] Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 12
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice On-farm-mixing: Definition: «mixing of ingredients, which take place at the same location as where the livestock to which it is being fed are» Duty of care should be taken through the following actions: Effective quality controls and (e.g. the feed being mixed is appropriate to the livestock it will be fed, the feeds are mixed in appropriate order, …) mixing control plan to be put in place. Appropriate corrective actions to be executed in the event of a formulation error Specific samples and analytical testing measures may be foreseen Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 13
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice «Feed business operators shall take measures to ensure transport and storage conditions for, and the cleanliness of feed» (Reg. 183/2005, Annex I Part B 4.b ) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 14
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice This may e.g. be achieved through the following actions: Effective checks (visual inspection, conformity of Paper work before unloading,…) when taking delivery of feed on farm Effective cleaning and disinfection of all vehicles and equipment used to handle and transport feed and feed materials Cleaning and where appropriate, maintenance of feed storage facilities in dry condition Avoid storing feed or feed materials in close proximity with products such as chemical medicines, animals or animal waste […] Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 15
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice «Farmers shall comply with the provisions set out in Annex III when feeding food-producing animals…» (Reg. 183/2003, art. 5 6. ) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 16
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice The following points should notably be considered: feed equipment: regularly clean all troughs and hopers and change feed and bedding material frequently. So as to ensure that feed grazing is safe, the following aspects may me considered: appropriate storage times for manure low application of rates leave the pasture for as long as possible before grazing […] Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 17
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice As feed business operator, farmers shall «keep records relating to measures put in place to control hazards» (Reg. 183/2005, annex I, part II ) Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 18
Implementation of feed hygiene in practice You need to ensure that sampling and record- keeping systems, as tools to allow traceability on the farm are in place… Farmers may wish to take and retain samples of each raw material for the production of feed. A written quality control plan should be produced including notable the description and frequency of sample analysis. In accordance with Annex I part A II, farmers should keep records of the source and quantity of all animal feed purchased by the farm, the name and date of use of any plant protection products used, any occurrence of pest and disease […] Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 19
ANNEXES Annex I. Definitions Annex II. Example of a check list ANNEX III. HACCP principles Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 20 Thank you! Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 21