Opportunities for Enlisted Women in Submarines Enlisted Women in Submarines Task Force
What’s the plan for enlisted women? Modify SSGN/SSBNs NEWCON VACL starting with SSN-796 Integrate 14 OHIO crews total Integrate SSNs when VA submarines (built to accommodate female enlisted) are operational and integrated with female officers Two CPOs from (YN/CS/LS/HM(IDC)/IT) 17 E6 and below From any rate, into any rate Target 20% female crew (~32 women/crew) What’s the plan for enlisted women?
Who are we? Small force Well trained Team oriented Don’t take my word…
FORCM Perspective Health of the Force Our Sailors Mission Areas
SUBFOR Retention Rate Sea and Shore Commands As of Sept 2016: Retention: All Navy Zone A: 60.5% Zone B: 74.2% Zone C: 82.7% Submarine Force Zone A: 65.5% Zone B: 75.9% Zone C: 81.1% SURFOR Zone A: 60.4% Zone B: 83.2% Zone C: 89.1% AIRFOR Zone A: 56.9% Zone B: 78.3% Zone C: 83.6% Navy Average Zone A = 60.5% Navy Goals: Zone A – 40% Zone B – 50% Zone C – 63%
SUBFOR Attrition Rate Sea and Shore Commands Navy Average Zone A = 6.0% USFF FY16 Goal : 5.0% Surface Zone A = 3.6% Aviation Zone A = 3.1% As of Sept 2016: Attrition: All Navy Zone A: 6.0% Zone B: 1.9% Zone C: 1.4% Submarine Force Zone A: 2.8% Zone B: 1.6% Zone C: 1.1% SURFOR Zone A: 3.6% Zone B: 1.5% Zone C: 0.8% AIRFOR Zone A: 3.1% Zone C: 1.2%
Advancement rate for SUBLANT afloat units Over the last 2 advancement cycles: (E4 – E6) 33% Navy Average = 24%
BESS Graduation October 2016 PROTOTYPE Training
Serving Submariner Perspective
SUBMARINE FORCE MISSIONS ASUW SOF Strike Strategic Deterrence ASW ISR Mine Warfare (CTF-134/144) SUBMARINE FORCE MISSIONS Counter Drug Ops 10
CURRENT SUBMARINE CLASSES Ohio class Length: 560 feet, Beam: 42 feet Displacement: Approx. 18,750 tons submerged Speed: 20+ knots Los Angeles class Length: 360 feet, Beam: 33 feet Displacement: Approx. 6,900 tons submerged Speed: 20+ knots Seawolf class Length: SSNs 21 & 22: 353 feet; SSN 23: 453 feet, Beam: 40 feet Displacement: SSNs 21 & 22: Approx. 9,100 tons submerged; SSN 23 Approx. 12,200 tons submerged Speed: 25+ knots SSNs 21 & 22 SSN 23 Virginia class Length: 377 feet, Beam: 34 feet Displacement: Approximately 7,800 tons submerged Speed: 25+ knots
Over 50% of ALL strategic warheads Over 4,000 SSBN patrols since 1960 OHIO Class SSBN 14 Dual-crew TRIDENTS Length 560 ft Displacement 18750 Tons Speed 25+ Knots Advanced nuclear propulsion plant design Routine Cycle Blue & Gold crews prepare ship for sea One crew deploys (approx. 10 weeks) while other crew trains ashore Over 50% of ALL strategic warheads Over 4,000 SSBN patrols since 1960 Primacy in STRATEGIC DETERRENCE
Life on a Submarine SSGN or SSBN Qualifications Earning your “dolphins” Dual crew submarines 9 man bunkrooms Communication with family Time at Sea Sub Pay
Conversion Process YN / CS / LS / HM(IDC) / IT Selection panel CPOs YN / CS / LS / HM(IDC) / IT Selection panel Medical Screening Once selected Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS) Submarine specific training Report 6 months prior to E6 and below Conversion Process
Conversion Process E6 and below Once selected… All ranks and ratings eligible Apply per NAVADMIN Objective scoring and rating/rank distribution Once selected… Application package Notification Medical Screening Transfer 6-9 Months Prior to Arrival BESS Groton, CT (7 weeks) A/C School (0-47 weeks) Arrive Onboard
SUBMARINES ARE OPEN TO WOMEN! First enlisted female earned “dolphins” Aug 2016 Next Selection Cycle for USS OHIO in Bangor, WA PACT Sailors Welcome!
Let me help you get selected! Rating Choices Personal Letter Lessons Learned Medical Screenings (Start Early!) 1306 and Manning
Contact Us www.navy.mil/ewis CDR Jeremy Miller - Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM jeremy.a.miller1@navy.mil (901) 874-2082 LT Gregory Mosley- Assistant Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM Gregory.w.mosley@navy.mil (901)874-2081 STSCS(SS) John Cambis- Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM Technical Advisor John.cambis@navy.mil (901)874-4367 YNC(SS) Aaron Norton- Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM Technical Advisor Aaron.norton@navy.mil (901)874-2819 LCDR Chris Carter – Submarine Nuclear ECM (703)604-5493 ETCM(SW) Victor Harris (703)604-5492 LT Marquette Leveque – Women in Submarines Coordinator marquette.leveque@navy.mil (757)836-2103 Contact Us
Job Opportunities C170 - Culinary Specialist (CS)** C130 - Fire Control Technician (FT) C150/C151 - Machinist’s Mate (MM) (Auxiliary and Weapons) C121/C126 - Electronics Technician (ET) (Navigation or Communications ) C180 - Missile Technician (MT) D130 - Machinist Mate – Nuclear (MMN) and D133 - Engineering Laboratory Technician (MMN-ELT)* D110 - Electronics Technician Nuclear (ETN )* D100 - Electricians Mate Nuclear (EMN)* C170 - Culinary Specialist (CS)** C220 - Logistics Specialist (LS)** C250 - Yeoman (YN)** (Qualified PS will also be considered for Direct Conversion) C260 - Information Systems Technician (ITS) ** G065 - Hospital Corpsman - Independent Duty Corpsman (HM-IDC) ** C230 - Sonar Technician Submarines (STS) * Nuclear Ratings are not available for conversion ** CPO conversion MUST be from one of these ratings
For questions regarding medical fitness for Submarine Duty: COMSUBLANT FORCE IDC (Norfolk, VA): 757-836-1351/1354 COMSUBPAC FORCE IDC (Pearl Harbor, HI): 808-473-1479/5788 Contact numbers and locations of Submarine Force Homeport Medical Departments: Naval Submarine Support Center New London (Groton, CT): 860-694-2470/2795 Commander Submarine Squadron 6 (Norfolk, VA): 757-967-6175 Naval Branch Health Clinic Kings Bay (Kings Bay, GA): 912-573-2939/4245 Naval Submarine Support Center Bangor, WA (Bangor, WA): 360-396-6789 Commander Submarine Squadron 11 (San Diego, CA): 619-553-8719 Naval Submarine Support Center Pearl Harbor (Pearl Harbor, HI): 808-473-2899/3771 Commander Submarine Squadron 15 (Guam): 671-339-2156/671-343-2191 Contact Information for Medical