Web Technologies Laboratory WebTLab http://webtlab.it.uc3m.es
Research foci Information extraction Social network analysis Distributed architecture evaluation and optimization for time-critical Big Data applications
Entity Linking Some name conventions! Instance: a particular person, location (GPE), organization, ... Entity: text + type http://webtlab.it.uc3m.es
Strategy Semantic coherence (in terms of ranking) “An instance would have a high ranking value if the instances that typically co-occur with it also have high ranking values” http://webtlab.it.uc3m.es
References (I) IdentityRank: Named Entity Disambiguation in the Context of the NEWS Project. N. Fernández, J. M. Blázquez, L. Sánchez, A. Bernardi. 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007. WebTLab: A cooccurrence-based approach to KBP 2010 Entity-Linking task. N. Fernández, J. A. Fisteus, L. Sánchez, E. Martín. Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2010). IdentityRank: named entity disambiguation in the news domain. N. Fernández, J. A. Fisteus, L. Sánchez, G. López. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 10, pp. 9207-9221 (2012).
References (II) WikiIdRank++: extensions and improvements of the WikiIdRank system for entity linking . M. D. Jiménez, N. Fernández, J. A. Fisteus, L. Sánchez. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Volume 22, Issue 3 (2013). Comparative Evaluation of Link-Based Approaches for Candidate Ranking in Link-to-Wikipedia Systems. N. Fernández, J. A. Fisteus, L. Sánchez. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (2014).
Social Network Analysis
References Microbloggers as sensors for public transport breakdowns. M. Congosto, D. Fuentes- Lorenzo, L. Sanchez-Fernandez. IEEE Internet Computing. To appear. Social Noise: Generating Random Numbers from Twitter Streams. N. Fernández, F. Quintas, L. Sánchez, J. Arias. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 14(01), 1550012 (2015).
Architectures and Big Data Extension of popular frameworks like Hadoop or Storm with real-time techniques Modeling and evaluation of performance Ztreamy: an scalable framework for data streams publishing
References P. Basanta-Val, N. Fernández-García, A. J. Wellings, N. C. Audsley. Improving the predictability of distributed stream processors. Future Generation Computer Systems (2015). Ztreamy: A middleware for publishing semantic streams on the Web. J. Arias Fisteus, N. Fernández, L. Sánchez, D. Fuentes-Lorenzo. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 25, 16-23 (2014).
Educational Data Mining & Learning Analytics Inference of useful indicators as transformation and combination of raw data Examples: learning effectiveness, efficiency, behaviors, learning styles, meta-cognitive skills, emotions Useful visualizations For students’ self-awareness, and teachers’ tracking Evaluation of the learning process in learning experiences Prediction of dropout rates, learning outcomes, social interaction, etc. Adaptive learning, recommenders
Related Projects NEWS (IST FP6-001906), 2004-2006 Israel Related Projects NEWS (IST FP6-001906), 2004-2006 Intelligence technology for the news domain Healthy and Efficient Routes in Massive open- data basEd Smart cities (HERMES) Data collection, analysis and publishing for trip optimization in smart cities 2014-2016 With Prof. Mario Muñoz Organero