INFN Progetto Premiale 2013 SIDENET Silicon Detector Network multi-regional technology platform for the development of silicon based sensors and advanced electronics Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013 ABSTRACT The SIDENET project involves the national network of INFN structures which develop silicon sensors and detectors. It enhances the value of their activity through the support to research and the consolidation of the high level technologies developed. Silicon detectors can find an extended number of applications even outside the research field. SIDENET promotes technology transfer, training, coordination of scientific infrastructures, protection of intellectual property, fostering the development of new companies. Moreover the project activates the interaction with other research institutions and private entities, developing the necessary network of national relations with the perspective of the participation in international calls. Within SIDENET the projects and the laboratories of the 12 INFN structures operating in the silicon detectors context are gathering, this implies the participation of about 230 researchers and engineers, of them about 20% are under 35 and 20% female (see paragraph 10 c). Total cost: 4.484 MEUR. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
SENSOR DEVICES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF PHYSICAL QUANTITIES The INFN Project SIDENET "Silicon Detector Network" is focused on the following subject: The results will involve many priority intervention areas.: ENVIRONMENT: environmental monitoring (sensors for PIXE analysis) ENERGY: safety sensors for the nuclear field MADE IN ITALY: interaction between research products and production system CULTURAL HERITAGE (among others sensors for PIXE analysis) HOMELAND SECURITY: monitoring of radioactive sources HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCE devices for early and advanced diagnosis SENSOR DEVICES for the measurement of physical quantities AERONAUTICS AND SPACE: sensors with high time and energy resolution KEY WORDS Silicon Sensors design, Silicon Sensors production, Silicon Sensors characterization, SiPM, SDD, SPD, custom ASIC electronics, Technology Transfer, research-industry cooperation, Horizon 2020 Detectors for soft X-ray applications, Direct detection 2D detectors for storage rings, Area detectors for X-ray FELs, Sensor and interconnect technologies, Hard X-ray indirect detection. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013 The international excellence of our work has been documented by a research on the SCOPUS database, focused on experimental publications. The research is based on simple filters and requires the words “silicon detectors” and the affiliation “name of the institute”. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013 Detector costs versus performance factor. The performance factor indicates the degree of complexity that the detector can handle each second. This diagram shows increased marginal expenditure efficiency towards greater detector performance for digital and spectroscopic detectors. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013 target Based on this considerations, the SIDENET project is intended to coordinate the various planning and implementation activities, to promote the cooperation of the researchers within several involved institutions, such as CNR, INAF, FBK, Sincrotrone Trieste, ICTP……….. It will be equally focused on developing advanced devices for research and participating to the realisation of end products for other high added value applications, involving companies that operate in the field of advanced analysis instrumentation. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
The INFN SIDENET Project aims to: Enhance the value of the INFN research and training activity, with reference to the labour market issues, by promoting supplementary and subsidiary activities for the certification and the strengthening of the developed technologies. Support research and development, technology transfer and training activities through the operational coordination of scientific and/or technological infrastructures and the value enhancement of research results, also through the protection of intellectual property and the development of new companies. Promote the participation of external bodies such as public institutions and private entities to scientific and technological activities, developing the necessary network of national and international relations. Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013 PARTIES INVOLVED Research institutes: FBK; INAF; ASI; ESA; POLIMI and the different structures that operate in this context: INFN sections of Milan, Turin, Trieste, Genoa, Padua, Florence, Pavia, Pisa, Perugia, Rome 1, Naples, Bari and the LNF, LNS, LNL laboratories. high-tech companies such as, among others, ST Microelectronics, Thales Alenia Spazio, Ansaldo Nucleare, Kaiser Spazio, Mipot, Gavazzi, Laben, CAEN, G&A, Plyform, Centrotecnica, Galileo Firenze, Nergal Roma, Marotta Napoli, and so on Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013
Andrea Vacchi riunione TT 11/04/013