A Guide to Creating a Successful Response Journal


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A Guide to Creating a Successful Response Journal Romeo and Juliet A Guide to Creating a Successful Response Journal

Response journal guidelines Each entry must be numbered and titled with what the particular assignment is. You MUST thoroughly answer EACH part of the writing prompt or prompts. Spelling and grammar will not be graded; however, you are expected to present your entries in a formal, academic way. i.e. use proper vocabulary, legible writing, and intelligible thoughts and sentences. Each entry must be at least 6 sentences in length (unless otherwise stated). All entries MUST BE your original work. If you plagiarize from any source (or copy from any classmate), your entry will be given a ZERO. As with all outcomes in life, YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. If you put in minimal effort, you will get a minimal grade. Remember, this is going to be roughly 20% of your final grade for the fourth quarter!

Journal response 1 Three Questions: Act 1, Scene 1 First impression of the play What did the Prince threaten them with? What’s your opinion of Romeo?

Journal entry 2 and 3 Journal 2 Summary of all of the Act 1. Journal 3 Act 1 questions 1-6 from textbook pg. 754

Journal prompt 4 Journal Entry 4-- Watch the accompanying video and answer the following questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py5YPJGCtpg 1. Compare and contrast at least three of the balcony scenes featured in the video. What is similar about them? What is different? Which one did you like the best? Why? Which did you like the least? Why? 2. What exactly does Juliet mean when she says, "What's Montague? It is not hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man....What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, Retain that dear perfection which he owes." Why is she expressing this? 3. What does Juliet wish about Romeo? Why does she wish for this? 4. What does Romeo mean when he says, “My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself Because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word.” Why does he say this? 5. Which is your favorite scene? Why?

Journal entry 5 and 6 Journal 5: Do you think it was wise for the Nurse and Friar Lawrence to help Romeo and Juliet get married? Why or why not? List two moments of foreshadowing that are presented by Friar Lawrence. Explain how this is foreshadowing. Why do you think Romeo and Juliet are in such a hurry to marry? Should they have been in such a hurry? (at least six sentences in total, at least 2 sentences for each bullet point). Journal 6: *Answer questions 1-5 on page 780*

Journal entry 7 Do you think Romeo was justified in killing Tybalt? What would have you done if you were in his position? (2 sentences) If you were Juliet, how would you react to the news that your husband murdered your cousin? (2-3 sentences) Is there anything your significant other would do that would make you stop loving them? (this should does not include infidelity AKA cheating). Do you think Romeo’s punishment, exile, is fair? Why or why not? (2 Sentences) What did you find most shocking about Act III, Scene I? What did you find shocking about it?

Journal entry 8 An important skill in English is being able to find quotes are important to the overall theme(s) and plot of the story. In order to tell if a quotes is “important” consider whether or not you would use it as an example to prove to someone that one of the themes is “forbidden love” or “the violent nature of love” etc. Also, would this quote be beneficial to someone to help them understand the plot of the play. For this entry, you are required to look up 6 quotes (2 from Act 1, 2 from Act 2, and 2 from Act 3) that you feel are important to the play’s plot and theme(s). Write down the quote (no more than a sentence or 2) write Act number, Scene number, and provide the line and page number where we can find the quote. You must also provide a sentence or 2 reflecting on the importance of the quote . Why did you choose it? What does it mean?

Journal 9 (2 slides) Questions 1-11 Answer the following questions in your journal. You must use complete sentences and textual evidence to support your responses. Each answer should be approximately (roughly) a sentence in length. What is Juliet anxious for at the beginning of Scene ii? What does Juliet think the nurse is telling her when she first comes in? Who is Juliet more loyal to? Her husband or her family. Scene iii 4. How does Romeo react to his banishment? 5. Why does Friar Lawrence say Romeo is acting “womanish?” 6. What is established in scene iv? What is the purpose of this? 7. In Juliet’s last scene with Romeo, scene v, what does she predict?

Journal 9 continued… 8. How does Juliet react when she is told that she is to marry Paris? 9. How does her father react when she does not agree to marry Paris? 10. What do you think Juliet will do when she goes to see Friar Lawrence? Do you think he will be able to help her? 11. In Shakespeare’s plays, Act III usually contains one or more deaths and many unfortunate circumstances. Make a list of the all unfortunate happenings in Act III.

Journal 10 Do you think Juliet is making the right decision by consulting Friar Lawrence? Why or why not? If you were Juliet, what would you do in this situation? Honestly. Do you think Lord and Lady Capulet should have any say over their daughter should marry? Why or why not?

Journal 11 Would you ever die or kill for love? Would you ever put your life at risk in order to obtain something that you really wanted? What would it take for you to risk your life?

Journal 12 1. Describe Juliet’s state of mind when she meets with Friar Lawrence. 2. Why is Juliet afraid to take the potion in Act IV? What assurances did Friar Lawrence give her that the potion will work? 3. What do Juliet’s fears reveal about her personality? 4. Point out a moment from the play where Lord Capulet’s actions proved to be contrary (contradict)to his words. 5. In what ways does the potion scene differ (contrast) from the following scene iv. 6. Why is Friar Lawrence so anxious to have Juliet carried into the vault? 7. Who discovers Juliet’s apparent death? 8. What does Friar Lawrence say to console the Capulets on the death of their daughter? 9. What is the difference between a soliloquy and a monologue? Find an example of each from the play.

Journal 13 Now that Romeo thinks Juliet is dead, and he’s on his way to kill himself at her graveside in Verona, what else do you think may happen? Why is Paris there at the tomb? Predict what, if anything, you think will happen between Paris and Romeo. Infer: If you were Romeo what would you be thinking about on your way back to Verona? Would you have any regrets about the way you handled things?

Journal 14 1. While we know that Romeo and Juliet both die at the conclusion of the play, what surprised you about the ending? 2. Friar’s plan goes awry and everything gets ruined for Romeo and Juliet. List three events that cause Friar’s scheme to fail. 3. Why do you think Friar Lawrence wants to “dispose of Juliet” in a sisterhood of nuns? 4. How does the relationship between the feuding families change the end of the play? Were Romeo and Juliet’s deaths necessary for this change to occur? Explain. 5. Which factor do you think contributed most to the tragedy of the story: Romeo and Juliet’s personalities OR fate? Explain. 6. What theme or message does Shakespeare attempt to convey to his audience?

Journal 14 7. Cause and effect plays a large part throughout Romeo and Juliet, for example: because something happened, it had an effect on the outcome of the play. Analyze one instance of cause and effect and explain how it impacted the ending of the play. (If you’re having difficulty thinking of a scene, consider the events that occur at the tomb). 8. What does the Prince mean by the following quote, “See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. And I for winking at your discords too. Have lost a brace (pair—Mercutio and Paris) of kinsmen. All are punished” (Shakespeare 847). Go line by line and translate what he’s saying to Capulet and Montague. 9. What promise does Lord Montague make to Lord Capulet at the conclusion of the play? What might be his motivation for this—WHY is he going to do it?

Journal 15 What is your first impression of the film version of Romeo and Juliet? What did you like about it what, if anything, did you dislike about it? What did you notice was different about the film version from the play? (There were many differences including some plot differences!) What references to the original play and to Shakespeare did you notice?

Journal 16 Address the following points regarding Romeo and Juliet be sure to explain, use examples, and be specific! What is your overall opinion of the film? Do you think it stayed true to its original Shakespearean roots or strayed too far? Explain. What are some differences you noticed between the film version and the play? Why do you think those differences were placed in the movie? Explain? Which two characters do you feel were portrayed the best? Why? Explain. What did you like best and least about the film? Explain and be specific!

Journal 17 End of the year reflection: You’ve now completed your freshman year of HS (congratulations) compose a letter reflecting on the high and low academic and personal points of the school year. Address the following points: What were you proud of this year? What could you have done to better? Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself this year? What can you do to better meet your goals for next year? What did you learn about yourself? What was your favorite thing you learned, read, or did in English class this year? What are your short-term goals for next year? What are your long-term goals? What do you have planned for the summer?