What is life like as a soldier?
Remains What are the connotations of this word? How does it link to conflict and war? Watch until - Challenge – the poem comes from a collection of poems called ‘The Not Dead’ – how else could this link to ‘Remains’?
What is life like as a soldier? Can you add any further ideas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvA3K-tC6t8 What is life like as a soldier? Watch first 2 mins of video Can you add any further ideas?
The poems in ‘The Not Dead’ were written from the testimonies of ex-soldiers. Watch from 46 mins to 51.35 “These are poems of survivors – the damaged, exhausted men who return from war in body but never, wholly, in mind.” Armitage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvA3K-tC6t8
Find a quotation for each one. What thoughts and feelings does Armitage convey in the poem? Find a quotation for each one.
Compare the ways poets present ideas about conflict in ‘Remains’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’ REMAINS ??? Think – pair – share – complete planning table Teacher to model / students write 1 comparative paragraph