EC-69 Side Event: WDQMS activities in RA-VI Geneva, Switzerland, 11th May 2017 EUMETNET QM and Operations Manager Tanja Kleinert (DWD)
31 EUMETNET Members Large part of RA-VI The National Met Services of: Austria Belgium Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep. Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Luxemburg Montenegro Netherlands Malta Norway Poland Portugal Slovakia Serbia Slovenia Spain Sweden The FYROM Switzerland United Kingdom
EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Tasks: Coordinating the evolution of the ground based EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS), Monitoring the EUCOS performance, Supporting Members’ observation activities where possible and Organising a studies programme. Observations PROGRAMME E-AMDAR E-ASAP E-GVAP E-PROFILE Territorial Segment (upper air and SYNOP stations) Quality Monitoring Studies Programme Possible future activities e.g. observation targeting Programme Components Fully integrated programmes Collaborative components Managed by Obs PMT Evolving needs E-SURFMAR OPERA
The current EUCOS networks European radiosonde stations Selected European synoptic weather stations European commercial AMDAR aircraft European ships of the Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme European moored buoys and drifting buoys European Voluntary Observing Ships European wind profilers and weather radars delivering vertical wind profiles European OPERA weather radars European GNSS sites
EUCOS Quality Monitoring One of the major tasks of the EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Team is to monitor the performance of all EUCOS networks against agreed EUCOS Performance Standards; EUCOS has set up a web-based EUCOS Quality Monitoring Portal (QMP) for all EUCOS networks as well as a WMO QMP for RBSN surface land stations and radiosonde stations of RA VI and GCOS stations globally;
WMO Quality Monitoring Portal Web-based automated quality monitoring of: RA VI RBSN surface land stations, radiosonde stations GCOS GSN surface land stations and GUAN radiosonde stations worldwide Display of QM statistics of TAC and BUFR messages archived in DWD’s database regarding observation totals data availability and timeliness/latency Display of accuracy monitoring results of obs minus background of ECMWFs´ first guess
EUMETNET´s Quality Monitoring Process Evaluation of the performance and data quality: The network performance and data quality is evaluated on a regular basis by checking the results of the QMP Incident Management Process: EUMETNET Members are contacted in case of incidents e.g. missing or erroneous data identified in the QMP Raised incident tickets, status updates, closure of tickets are well documented Quarterly Quality Monitoring Reports: On a quarterly basis performance summaries per network as well as per Member are issued in EUMETNET Quality Monitoring Reports
EUMETNET´s support to TT-WDQMS EUMETNET supported the Task Team on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (TT-WDQMS) by launching the Demonstration Project in RA-I and the pilot project ‘RWC in a nutshell‘ in RA-VI In both projects the WMO QMP operated by EUMETNET was adapted to be used as supplementary tool besides the WIGOS tools EUMETNET took part in training sessions of the pilot projects to train the ‘project RWCs‘ in the use of the WMO QMP
RA VI - RWC nutshell experiment on WDQMS Background: TT-WIGOS proposed to run an experimental RWC in a nutshell on QM in order to test and demonstrate the practical implementation of the RWC concept Experiment: EUMETNET Obs Programme runs operationally the WMO QMP, displaying information on RA-VI RBSN SYNOP and radiosonde data EUMETNET Obs Programme Management Team provided training to staff member of Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FHI BH) in December 2016
RA VI - RWC nutshell experiment on WDQMS Monitoring Task FHI BH staff member carried out the monitoring tasks Countries monitored: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey Focus on availability (‘silent stations’), timeliness and SYNOP stations with permanently high sea level pressure RMS errors Lessons learnt: Most prominent issues with observing stations: there’s a number of stations with non precise position metadata having adverse effect on observation accuracy clear need to properly maintain OSCAR
RA VI - RWC nutshell experiment on WDQMS Lessons learnt (cont.): Communication with people in charge of obs networks was difficult (e.g. little time for real conversation on issues) Resolving of reported issues was hardly observed Display of information in QMP could be further improved: Wish for one comprehensive monitoring tool which e.g. immediately displays a geographical map with ‘reported’ station position when clicking on station ID… Shortlists of stations where errors exceed thresholds In-depth analysis of apparent issues was often much more time consuming than originally expected requires sufficient staff resources
Questions and comments? THANK YOU! Questions and comments?
EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Team Contact Details Tanja Kleinert EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Team GIE/EIG EUMETNET EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Deutscher Wetterdienst Frankfurter Str. 135 63067 Offenbach, Germany Tel: + 49 69 8062 4493 Fax: + 49 69 800 863 410 Email: Web: GIE EUMETNET Secretariat c/o L’Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique Avenue Circulaire 3 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel: +32 (0)2 373 05 18 Fax: +32 (0)2 890 98 58 Email: Web: