Revision Test 1 Term 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Revision Test 1 Term 2

Lessons In Test Surat ul-Haqqah, verses 1-12 Sins that will be a cause of Regret for its doer

Al-Haqqah (The Inevitable Day)! What is the Inevitable Day? EXPLAIN THE VERSE Al-Haqqah (The Inevitable Day)! What is the Inevitable Day? And how will you understand what the Inevitable Day is? (Surah Al-Haqqah, verses 1-3)

EXPLANATION The word al-Haaqqah as used in the verses mean an event which has inevitably to take place and the occurrence of which in the future is so certain as to admit of no doubt or suspicion. To use this word for Resurrection and to begin the discourse with it by itself shows that the people were denying its occurrence. They are being told: "That which you are denying is inevitable: your denial will not prevent its occurrence. The two questions asked in the verses, one after the other, have been put to arouse the listeners, to make them understand the importance of the message and listen to what follows with full attention. In this Surah, Allah named the Hour as Al-Haqqah (the Inevitable) and Al-Qari’ah (The Striker). Elsewhere in the Quran other names were given, like As-Saakhah (The Piercing cry), At-Tammah (The overwhelming), As-Sa’ah (the Hour), Al-Ghashiyah (The All-Covering), among other names. Each name of the Day of Judgement describes the terror and severity of this Great Day.

Cont… As the disbelievers of Makkah denied Resurrection and took the news of its coming lightly, they have been warned at the outset, as if to say: "Resurrection is inevitable: whether you believe in it; or not, it will in any case take place. It is impossible to understand how terrifying the Day of Judgement will be until we actually get there. The tone used in the first three verses of this Surah is trying to express this idea. The Day of Judgement (the Inevitable Day as mentioned in these verses) is when people are held accountable for their actions.

EXPLAIN THE VERSE “That We might make it (the stories of the past) a remembrance for you, and the keen ear may (hear and) understand it,”(69: 12)

God Almighty never willed to take vengeance, but the goal behind their being inflicted with torments is to lead people on the path of spiritual growth such that they tread the path of development and perfection and attainment to union with the desired object. A keen ear is such which is receptive of the content, hearing it consciously and taking in the message. It understands the message and reflects upon it. Describing it Qatadah said, “An ear that Allah gives intelligence, so it benefits by what it hears from Allah’s Book.” It implies any ear that hears the stories of past nations and takes heed. It does not forget the dreadful fate that the unbelievers met and what waits for them in the Hereafter. The entire Qur’an and its narrative of previous nations is a reminder which needs to be listened to attentively and memorized so that we do not face a similar fate. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala protect us from transgression, arrogance and disobedience, aameen.

What is the best way to prepare for the hisab on the Day of Judgement What is the best way to prepare for the hisab on the Day of Judgement? How do you know this?

Define & Explain: Al-Haseeb

How will Allah question the true believers How will Allah question the true believers. Support your answer with proper proof.

What is the Book of Deeds?

Define & Explain: Al-Hisab

How will the disbelievers and sinners be Judged on the Day of Judgement? What is the difference between their questioning and the questioning of a good believer?

Explain & Describe: Al-Ba’ith

Match the Following: Al-Haqqah Accountability ‘Arsh The Reckoner Soor 1 Al-Haqqah A Accountability 2 ‘Arsh B The Reckoner 3 Soor C The Striking 4 Al-Ba’ith D The Horn 5 Al-Qari’ah E The Resurrector 6 Muhasabah F The Inevitable Day 7 Al-Hisab G The Throne 8 Al-Haseeb H The Account

What is the best way to prepare for the hisab on the Day of Judgement What is the best way to prepare for the hisab on the Day of Judgement? Support your answer with a quote.

Talk about the nations that were destroyed by Allah, the reason for their destruction, and how they were destroyed.

Mention some of the sins that would be a cause of regret to a person at the time of death, in the grave and on the Day of Judgement, if the doer of the sin does not repent from the sin, ask Allah’s forgiveness and correct him/her self before death.

Who are the people that will be from the lucky ones on the Day of Judgement to receive and easy questioning? Give proper proof for your answer.

Does Allah like punishing us Does Allah like punishing us? Support your answer from the Quran and/or Sunnah. Mention why Allah punished the previous deviant nations?

Answer to “Does Allah like punishing…” Allah says in Surah Nisaa: مَّا يَفْعَلُ اللّهُ بِعَذَابِكُمْ إِن شَكَرْتُمْ وَآمَنتُمْ وَكَانَ اللّهُ شَاكِرًا عَلِيمًا ﴿١٤٧﴾ What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing.

Cont… Allah punished the previous deviant nations because they arrogantly disbelieved in Allah and stubbornly continued their evil deeds. They refused to believe in the Prophets sent to them and were proud and haughty about their sins and disbelief.

Why does Allah use so many names for the Day of Judgement?

Describe the scene of the Day of Judgement as mentioned in Surah Al-Haqqah after the Horn is blown