Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) Health Communication Theories: Fear Messages
Overview of Class Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) Fear Appeals Aspects of EPPM Outcomes of Fear Messages Applying EPPM Class Feedback
Take Away Points Vocab: severity, susceptibility, response efficacy, self-efficacy What is the basic concept of EPPM? What are the four message components that EPPM says health campaign messages should have? What are the two aspects that people evaluate when perceiving a message? How do these evaluations lead to different outcomes? What are the two outcomes? Which one is desirable? In what ways is the Health Belief Model similar to/different from EPPM?
Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) Health Communication Theory Describes: how we can write fearful health messages to get people to engage in a health behavior
When we see a fear-inducing message we evaluate the perceived threat.
When we see a fear-inducing message we evaluate the perceived threat. Severity Susceptibility
We also evaluate our perceived efficacy for dealing with the threat. Response Efficacy Self-Efficacy
How someone processes the message leads to one of two outcomes. Outcome 1: Danger control Control the threat itself thorough some kind of action Outcome 2: Fear control Suppress the message or reduce the fear generated by the message
You read a fear-appeal message. What is your response when… Your perceived threat is low, but your perceived efficacy is high? What causes perceived threat to be low? Your perceived threat is high, and your response efficacy is low? Your perceived threat is high, your response efficacy is high, and your self efficacy is low? Perceived Threat Severity Susceptibility Perceived Efficacy Response efficacy Self efficacy
EPPM Which response do health campaign designers want to evoke? What message characteristics should the health campaign include to best evoke that response?
Applications Very frequently used for health related campaigns Safer sex Agricultural safety Anti-smoking/smoking cessation Drug abuse prevention Fear and Humor: Condoms (kid who wants sweets who throws a tantrum in the grocery store)…only example of an ad that combines a positive emotion and a negative emotion to make its point. Fear: We fear children having tantrums…evokes a response. Efficacy: Promote condoms
Evaluate the health message
Evaluate the health message
Evaluate the health message
Evaluate the health message - WARNING
Evaluate the health message
Evaluate this gun PSA on your own http://www.anthonyroberto.com/eppm/triggerlockradiopsa.aiff http://www.anthonyroberto.com/eppm/hepatitisbbrochure.pdf
Challenge: Inspire your father to stop smoking! If you were going to use this theory to create a fear appeal message for a loved one, what should you say in your message?
How is EPPM similar to the Health Belief Model?
Take Away Points What is the basic concept of EPPM? What are the four message components that EPPM says health campaign messages should have? What are the two aspects that people evaluate when perceiving a message? How do these evaluations lead to different outcomes? What are the two outcomes? Which one is desirable? In what ways is the Health Belief Model similar to/different from EPPM?
Class Feedback You should NOT write your name Tell me: Three things that you LIKE about the class and want to remain the same Three things that you would CHANGE about the class (and how) Your favorite thing that we’ve done in here or that you’ve learned so far