Locality Planning Progress to Date


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Presentation transcript:

Locality Planning Progress to Date

NAHSCP Locality Priorities North Coast Social isolation - older people Young people’s - stress & anxiety Musculoskeletal disorders Garnock Valley Young people’s - health & wellbeing Low level mental health & wellbeing Social isolation -all ages Musculoskeletal disorders Three Towns Care at home options -older people Mental health and wellbeing and social isolation of young men Kilwinning GP sessions in nursing home Occupational Therapy advice in local pharmacy Networking event Arran Transport Reduce social isolation. Improve support - complex care needs Irvine Social isolation - all ages Low level mental health and wellbeing - young people. Musculoskeletal issues

Participation by Experience and Creating Equity: emerging priorities Garnock Valley: Work & local economy, Moving around: public transport, traffic & parking Facilities & amenities Kilwinning: Employability Traffic & parking Housing & Community (environmental issues) North Coast: Financial inclusion Housing & community (social isolation & anxiety) Three Towns: Improve the economy & create work opportunities Address deprivation & improve well-being Need to increase communities’ sense of influence Irvine: Work & the local economy Health & well-being Arran: Affordable housing Transport Social isolation

What’s working? Sharing priorities across CPP and HSCP e.g. North Coast Shared understanding of roles and strengths of CPP and HSCP locality forums Shared training of officers and community partners: PB and engagement and consultation Participatory Budgeting community events Place Standard rapid appraisals Additional prioritisation workshops Developing CLD Strategic Locality Plans with partners Developing cohesion and maturity of Locality Partnerships Arran Locality Partnership is successfully drawing upon work being undertaken by Arran Economic Forum Community Council representation

Future Improvements Continuing to develop a cohesive partnership approach across communities Increased engagement with the wider community: Participation by Experience – learning from the Garnock and Three Towns Charrette will produce good practice Joint meetings between CPP and HSCP chairs to share and align priorities Agenda refinement and optimum accommodation and timing of meetings Community representatives need training to be able to engage more widely with communities to reflect local opinion rather than personal opinion. Invitations will be extended to key partners to contribute to the process by providing ‘expert contributions’ on each identified priority: participation by experience Grants process needs refined.

What’s next? Joint meetings between CPP and HSCP chairs to share and align priorities Additional time set aside outwith the schedule of meetings for the partnerships to work up detailed actions Prepare and publish a Community Profile for each locality incorporating HSCP priorities and local priorities for the CLD strategic plan Develop a core programme of training for community representatives to encourage regular, planned community engagement around the themes of the plans (CERG) Awareness raising and training to encourage the wider community to make use of the CPP web site, Community Engagement Calendar and social media channels to encourage greater interaction and collaboration between groups and other partners. Consolidate the early work of Participatory Budgeting (Community Choices) and extend its reach to areas of work Place greater emphasis on work with Community Representative Bodies to strengthen our connectedness within communities.