Right Bundle Branch Block
Right Bundle Branch Block
Left Bundle Branch Block
Left Bundle Branch Block
QRS Widening
IVCD Lead 1 looks like LBBB, Lead V1 looks like RBBB
Systematic Approach
Axis Really -30 to -90 is Pathological. 0 to -30 is normal
2 Lead and Quadrant Approach to Axis Determination
2 Lead and Quadrant Approach to Axis Determination
Axis ?
Axis ?
Axis ?
Axis ?
Left Axis Deviation (LAD)
Systematic Approach
Atrial Enlargement
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH)
Strain / Strain Equivalent
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Systematic Approach
But, 50% of acute MIs and past MIs show normal ECGs ECG not 100% predictive
Summary Reviewed basic principles of electrocardiography. Described a systematic approach to ECG interpretation. Reviewed common ECG abnormalities and discussed their significance. We will now describe and interpret practice tracings.
Rate: 80 Rhythm: Sinus Intervals: QRS normal, PR interval: 0.2, QT interval: prolonged Axis: No-man’s land, up-right quadrant indeterminant
Rate: 60-75bpm Rhythm: Sinus Intervals: QRS normal, QTI <1/2 S-S’, PRI normal Axis: Pathological left deviation (<-30 degrees) Find infarct: Q: II, aVF, V2-V4 R: S: ST: V2-V4 elevated Prior inferior MI b/c deep QS changes Poor R wave progression